Quote and Reply

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
Quote and Reply options ~ Why

When someone starts a post we often carry the conversation into slightly different areas, giving our experiences, support and suggestions. And we go into responding to something someone said further down in the conversation which may not apply at all to the original post. This is all good, it’s the way we converse. If someone wants to respond to a post further up in the conversation they could use the Quote or Reply options to draw attention to the post they are responding to. It really doesn’t matter if you use the Quote or Reply option, they accomplish the same thing, only in different ways.

Quote and Reply options ~ How to:

When you are replying to a post, on the bottom right of the original post, and any subsequent replies, you will see the two selections “+Quote” and “<- Reply”.

Both of these options copy the content of the post where you select the option.

The “Quote” option holds onto the content until you select the “Insert quotes” that will appear on the bottom of your screen after you click on “Quote”.

After you click on “Insert quotes” a pop screen will appear with the quoted text. And then when you select “Quote messages” on this screen the content from the post you are quoting will be pasted into your post area.

The “Reply” option will paste the content from the post you are replying to into your post area as soon as you click “Reply”.

To be continued on below because CD only let's me insert 3 screen displays on a post.
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Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
Partial Quote and Reply options ~ Why

Within someone’s post, or multiple people’s posts, there could be certain sentences you want to respond to instead of a whole post. Using this option is an easy way to highlight what sentences you are referring to.

Partial Quote and Reply options ~ How to

To use the partial Quote and Reply options you would highlight the sentence(s) you want to quote or reply to. When you do you will see the two selections after your highlighted text.

Just like the Quote and Reply options for the whole posts, both of these options copy the content of the sentences you have highlighted.

And this “Quote” option also holds onto the content until you select the “Insert quotes” that will appear on the bottom of your screen after you click on “Quote”.

Also after you click on “Insert quotes” a pop screen will appear with the quoted text. And then when you select “Quote messages” on this screen the content from the post you are quoting will be pasted into your post area. Now with this partial quote it makes sense that you might want to quote various sentences within one or more posts. You can do that just by continuing to highlight and quote sentences as you go and then select the “Insert quotes” when you want to. Or if there are some you decided you don’t want to quote you can select “Remove” next to the message.

And The “Reply” option will paste the sentences you highlighted as soon as you click “Reply”.

As a final note, you really can use any of these options to accomplish the same thing. If you Quote or Reply to a whole post you can just delete any of the post you don’t want to refer to, but sometimes this method gets cumbersome with deleting a lot of text. And whether you use Quote or Reply is just a matter of preference. Some want to put the info in a holding area that Quote uses and some want to have it pasted right to their message right away.

You can fool around with trying these out in a response to someone’s post and then just delete your post content instead of clicking post reply. Or if you want, you can use the post "Practice for Quote and Reply" in the Watercooler forum to play around with, I’ll delete any practice replies after a bit.
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