Script errors???


Active Member
I have tried to 'refresh' a few times because I keep the CD website open almost all the time then check in periodically thru the day. Today I have been getting a message that says the site can't run (or something to that effect) due to script errors trying to run but having errors. Is anyone else getting this?


(the future) MRS. GERE
I haven't had those errors. Maybe shut down your computer and reopen and see if that helps?



Active Member
I can try but I'm not getting any errors on any other site and this one is saying it's due to a long script.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had this - but I don't leave CD up.
The only time I've had script errors on this site is when I ended up having to reboot, though - this site seems to use resources more intensively than lots of other sites, so it is possible to have a problem with this site and not with "others".