

Active Member
I think that is the million dollar question. No one has any idea. It started a while ago for me. But nothing like how I am suffering now. There are days I really think I'm losing my mind. Like I know I came in the door and put me keys here. But I go to look for them and can't remember!! It's either hot or cold. OR both at the same time. My hands and feet are like ice cubs and my head is all sweaty. Forget deodorant. Everything I have tried isn't cutting it. I now shower 2 x a day. I keep dry pjs in the bathroom because some nights I'm so sweaty it soaks my pjs. husband keeps a blanket between us. He says if I cuddle to close its like a furnace. I hate to sound like a complainer. But this stinks!


Well-Known Member
Bby... for me, none of this has the same cause, but... the whole "where on earth did I put (fill in the blank)" has been with me for all of my life. So... here is what I was taught, and what I'm teaching my kids (difficult child and mostly-not-difficult child):

Every item only has a maximum of four homes. You are not allowed to ever put something down in anything other than a "home". Examples:
Keys: In my purse, in my pocket, around my neck (for when I don't have pocket or purse)... or in use (ignition, etc.). I have every key set on its own string... so "around my neck" is always an option.
Cell phone - same thing.
Purse has two places in the house where it can hide, and otherwise, it's "on my shoulder" or "locked in the car".

And... pocket is only allowed if article of clothing is being worn. <wink... been there done that, forgotten the jacket somewhere...!>


Roll With It
melatonin helps greatly with sleep. Not so much in the getting to sleep, but in improving the quality of the sleep you do get.

As for sleep medications, there are LOTS. You can try benadryl which is what is in most of the 'pm' OTC sleep medications like tylenol pm, etc... You can also try other rx medications. Ambien and lunesta are fairly new medications and the problem is NOT new so there are many older medications. Be aware that lunesta can leave a nasty taste in your mouth when you wake up. Takes hours to get rid of it for me, but I don't know if that is normal.

Tricyclic antidepressants are an older class of medications that MANY people used for years to deal with sleep issues. They also help prevent migraines for some people, so maybe a two-fer if you have those. Amitryptiline (elavil is the brand name) and doxepin are two of them. These are also used to help deal with some chronic pain conditions. For sleep problems, some people do well taking them 1/2 hr before bed, some need to take them 1-2 hrs before bed. You just don't know unless you try and know to tinker with that.

Benzodiazipines like xanax, valium, temazepam, lorazepam, etc... can be very effective for sleep. Be aware that valium WILL cause depression if you take it for more than a few weeks at a time. it is one of the most common side effects according to every doctor that I have ever spoken to about it. this is why most docs will give you temazepam or lorazepam because they don't seem to do that. Alprazolam (xanax) is in your body a very short time and so isn't as great as a sleep medication for some people. It also has the highest risk of addiction/dependency.

trazodone is a tricyclic a/d like elavil and there are others in that category.

Remeron (mirtazipine) is also used for sleep issues, as are muscle relaxers if you also have muscle problems.

I don't know if you drink herbal tea, but Celestial Seasonings makes a tea called Tension Tamer that can be a big help in relaxing you before bedtime. Right after my hysterectomy when I was plunged into surgical menopause this was a huge blessing. I would drink a cup or two before bedtime as part of a routine and it was a big help. I also had to cut out caffeine by about 4 pm or I would be up all night long.

Sleep hygiene can be a problem with the challenges of menopause, but it is important too pay attention to it. You might try googling sleep hygiene to remind yourself what good sleep hygiene is (most people have no real clue according to the sleep doctors) and try to see if some changes in your sleep hygiene might help.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I've been done for several years now. But my "active" stage only lasted a year. (thank heaven above I doubt Fred would've survived any longer) My onset was pretty darn early, according to fam doctor, but not that early necessarily for my family.

That winter...........I had the window open, regardless of temp. And our bedroom is unheated to begin with. If I was out from the covers, I'd freeze. Under them, I'd burn up and sweat. I tried to vary them to see if fewer would help. Nope. Only thing that helped was to keep the covers on my top half and keep those bare feet out. It didn't help that Fred was a human furnace himself and could radiate enough body heat to warm up the whole room. ugh That was a miserable winter.

Thankfully during the day I had no real symptoms. Ok, I lie. I suddenly would blurt anything (and I do mean anything) I was thinking in my head out loud. I had a very short fuse. The family learned not to push their luck that year. lol


Well-Known Member
I had a very short idea of what menopause was going to be like because right after my hysterectomy my ovaries shut down for about two months and didnt produce any hormones. I was miserable. Then they started working again. That was back in 04. Several times over the years I have been sure I was going thru it but the docs would check my estrogen levels and tell me I was on the low side of normal. Personally I think that is because I have so much body weight that it is just stored in my fat. I havent been able to get tested in the last couple of years though. Now, I sleep alone and I wake up several times at night when I can actually get to sleep and I am covered in sweat. My bed is actually wet.

I seem to have a really bad reaction to Walmart. I dont know if they are using something in the air or a cleaning product or what but if I am in there for more than about 15 minutes I am sweating up a storm no matter what season it is. I swear I look like I am guilty of something because my face is read, sweat is pouring down the sides and my hair is sticking everywhere.


Active Member
Susie. Thank you for the advice. I just asked to hang a basket by the front door for my keys. I will google sleep hygiene. Janet I haven't had any blood testing as. Also because of a previous edomitrial ablation (sp) I don't have a period. Almost gosh 4 or 5 years now. They basically quarterized my uterus. So no more period.

Thank you all so much! All of this advice helps any of us going thru this!