This is exactly how my difficult child thinks


The following is written on an Avatar (some censoring by me), but it so strikingly depicts how my difficult child thinks.

Did you call me a bit@h?

A bit@h is a dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are a part of nature, and nature is beautiful. So thanks for the compliment.


Yesterday difficult child calls me from after school care, "Need an x-ray on my hand." Long story short, he got mad at school and hit a door.

I told him if you "must" hit something, go outside and hit a tree.

His answer: I did. The door is wood and the wood came from a tree.

Now next time around, he will completely miss any inference he should rightly pick up on.



Active Member
Has he been evaluated for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)? Because that is so much like what we would hear from our kids too...



Good catch. lol

Yes. He has been diagnosed with-Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified.


New Member
Wow, my difficult child said he didn't hit the the door...the door hit him because the teacher was closing as he was told to leave the room..........

so to follow totally appropriate difficult child logic, the teacher should also be on level 1 now.

Oh, and he only said once his hand hurt. I never got an Xray. It showed up as an old injury on the wrist fracture Xray a year later. I of course said difficult child never broke his hand and children's services was almost called.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Sheila, I'm giggling here - OMG. Thanks for sharing this - while it may have frustrated you it brought a smile to my face.:D


Active Member
That's another Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) "thing" - the apparent insensitivity to pain. Not always, but they can be distracted away from pain by their intense focus on other things.

Put it together with a package including anxiety, behaviour problems especially socially inappropriateness, extreme literal thinking and a very logical way of reasoning, and I would be asking for a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) evaluation.

My kids reckon I see Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) under every rock. I say, "It's because I have lived with YOU lot for so long, I recognise it so readily when I see it."
