
  1. llamafarm

    Incentives or Bribery?

    Question. How far have you all gone to get the behaviors that you need? I need him to stop hitting me and kicking me. His most natural response to most requests or comments that I have is to come to me and hit me or act like he is about to. He has a psychiatrist, a counselor, medications., been on...
  2. P

    feeling overwhelmed

    Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with my 14 yr old difficult child who is self destructing? He is CD, we have been in juvi court every week for the last 6 weeks, he just keeps adding to it. He became a ward of the state last week. None of this has any effect on his choices: stealing the car...
  3. gcvmom

    difficult child having yet ANOTHER dystonic drug reaction!

    This time it's the Risperdal, I'm pretty sure. He had his usual dose last night (back down to 1.5mg from earlier in the week). About 30min after I gave him his Depakote, he started having the jaw pain and drooling and his eyes were rolling up again. I just left an urgent message for the...
  4. amy4129

    more seizures- new medications (geodon)

    Well we when to the p-doctor today and when saw Ken and his bizzare behavior he increased the Depakote and started Geodon. We'll see... Anyway anyone know much about Geodon?? Help please Amy
  5. W

    Need Feedback on Depakote-difficult child at it again!!!!!

    Hello, I have been away for awhile and need advice. My difficult child is diagnosed with bi-polar. He has currently been taking Abilify 10.0 mg 1x/day and Clonidine 2 times/day (1/2 pill in am and 1 and 1/2 pill at bedtime). He continues to struggle with moods,oppositional behavior and has started some new...
  6. TerryJ2

    Two doctor appts in one day, meltdown and rough going

    difficult child had a rough therapy session this a.m. The therapist read him the riot act again, and told difficult child to quit rubbing his hands all over his face, to sit up straight, quit texting, make eye contact, and pay attention. He said he's too old for this kind of garbage and the impression he's giving people is...
  7. J

    Could ADHD medications have been masking other symptoms?

    I need to update my signature, we just changed my son's medications over the Christmas break. He was on vyvanse but his behavior has not been good for a while (since Nov-ish), very moody, angry, agitated, easily annoyed, etc, and he was starting to have problems at school with-putting his hands on people...
  8. crazymama30

    update on meeting with Residential Treatment Center (RTC) psychiatrist

    So I met with psychiatrist and difficult child yesterday, it was the first time I had met with psychiatrist with difficult child present. Before difficult child came in, I mentioned the tics and the leg movement. She agreed it could be the seroquel, and then tells me she increased the seroquel Wednesday and added 25mg in the morning and 25mg...
  9. klmno


    psychiatrist just added abilify to the tegretol and lithobid. I told him I had made a parental decision and decided to try a few days without the naltrexone and things are looking good on that front. He told me that was fine- just keep some around in case cutting starts back. He also said it was ok to...
  10. tiredmommy

    Could this be a problem?

    This happened two nights in a row. I went into Duckie's room last night at 10:45, she had twisted herself up in her blankie and I figured I would straighten her out while she slept. She was very stiff... she was lying on back and had her knees bent. I couldn't lower her legs. She wasn't...
  11. wakeupcall

    I slapped him silly.

    I've HAD it!!!! The disrespect and rudeness is getting totally out of control. It doesn't matter what consequence I can think of....twelve years of them and they still don't work. I had his mouth one too many times this evening and little gestures like me telling him to stop something...
  12. T

    Beginning to wonder....

    difficult child became increasingly aggressive over the 2 months he was on Risperdal. It came on gradually but steadily until I realized what was going on and told psychiatrist I wanted the Risperdal stopped. The aggressiveness went away. With the Prozac, it started as a slow but steady increase in defiance then...
  13. shellyd67

    Vyvanse feedback anyone?

    I have been doing research online today about the ADHD medication Vyvanse. Concerta 36mg seems to be running it's course with- difficult child. We have a psychiatrist appointment on Tuesday and I am going to discuss it with him also. But the best feedback and advice will come from here I am sure of it. I know all kids...
  14. totoro

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),medications, whetever it is she is driving (Update)

    So thing have been going pretty well... since K got out of the psychiatric hospital. she was trying really hard. We have had a few bouts of violence and episodes. But all in all better! This past or so she has been obsessing about various things. Her normal thing is a party everyday... we have to pretend we...
  15. Big Bad Kitty

    question about prozac

    So today, Tink beat up a kid. A boy in 3rd grade (she's in 2nd). The teacher called me and said that if she did not know it was Tink, she never would have believed it was Tink. She said she had never ever seen her escalate like that before. Welcome to MY world! Her new doctor had put her on 10mg...
  16. Janna

    So Tell Me About The Uncommon medications

    that may be working for your kid. What do you do when you've tried them all? Dylan's hyperactivity and impulsivity are skyrocketing. We had him 6 full days over the holiday, and every person that came in contact with him said he seemed "10x worse", "ready to jump out of his skin", "couldn't...
  17. H

    Afraid I'm looking at a long road ahead . . .

    My wife & I adopted our son at 2 days old. He just turned 5 on 9/11/13, and is an only child. He was about 4 weeks premature, and tested positive for stimulant exposure, but showed zero signs of any effects from it at birth, and thereafter. He was the perfect infant: Slept through the night...
  18. S

    Forgot to give difficult child her P.M. medications

    She was 3 hours late on them. And WOW you could totally tell. It was the first time EVER that she was refusing to take them. She was screaming and raging at me. And, that hasn't happened for almost 8 months I think. She actually scared me. Can anyone say the ABilify had worn off!!!! And...
  19. edej

    New here

    Hello this is my first time here, a friend reccomended I join. My 13 almsot (this week!) 14 year old daughter is currently living out of state at a therapeutic boarding school. We found out she was cutting this past November and had her admitted to short term pysch hospital which did nothing...
  20. J

    zyprexa not good

    she now has almost 7mg in her system and she's flying high. was sweeping living room turned around she was ontop of dining room chair dancing. need i say more?? :) doctor says well if she doesn't sleep............. ahh that's where we are now call me. we'll add something else. ativan he was...