
  1. O

    Need some medicine-taking suggestions! :(

    I am feeling at the end of my rope with this! A little backstory: He was on Ritalin to start but getting him to take pills was a no-go. So they switched him to Vyvanse, 20mg, once a day. This did okay for him at school but by the time he came home he was out of control until bedtime...
  2. L now bipolar is maybe in the mix!!!???

    I went to a very good child clinical psychologist today....Had the first parent interview/ background interview.....She did her phd in playtherapy and has 20 yrs experience....Wanted her to work a bit with my oldest son to help him with some cognitive skills to deal with his anxieties, social...
  3. Aneau

    HELP!!!!! 8 year old boy with- ADHD has me in tears!

    I have this beautiful child whom both my husband and I adore, he has been in and out of Dr's offices here in Alaska. Needless to say we just don't have the help that the lower 48 has to offer. He was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago, started on nightmare after 2 weeks. He...
  4. W

    A Confirmed Diagnosis and a Tentative Diagnosis

    So we have finally had the dr.'s appts. we have been waiting for. The paediatrician was on Saturday and not only did I appreciate him seeing my child on a Saturday but he spent quite a lot of time with us and never seemed rushed to leave - only focused on the situation at hand. difficult child was very...
  5. S

    New Please help thank you

    My difficult child 3 who is only 4 has ADHD, seizures, and some type of sleep disorder. I am going crazy right now. He also has language delays and does not like kids his own age, older /infants are fine. ADHD was diagnosed by lots of doctors a therapist,a psychologist, his Peds doctor, and two Psychiatrists...
  6. A

    In over my head 12 y.o. son with ADHD, Bipolar, CD and ICD/Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)

    This is my first time posting. I don't even know how I got here. I know most people who come to this site are feeling hopeless, I hope to hear from someone who has had any kind of success with their child. I am a stay at home mom with 4 children. My oldest is out of control. He has been in therapy with and...
  7. C

    Single mom with-8 year old with- ADHD on Ritalin. aggressive, defiant, out of control Help!

    I am at my wits end with my son. He has been on methylphenidate for about a year and a half now for adhd and it apparently makes a big difference at school. At home is another story. By the time he gets home his medications are wearing off and it is a nightmare. He'll kick walls, throw things, scream...
  8. Shari


    This summer, Wee has gotten even more hyper. His impulse control has gotten worse - he is frequently in someone's face or throwing things at someone. He is starting to back talk and is getting more defiant. It feels that my patience has been tested to the end. Just being with him is...
  9. A

    Another Newbie - with a medication question

    Hi all, I'm Anita, and I just found this board. My 10 year old son has ODD, with no apparent other diagnosis. We've been doing a social communication group, and therapy, but are wondering if there is any kind of "mood stabilizing" medication that might help. B is such a nice boy on a day to day...
  10. E

    ADHD and extreme defiance in 5 year old. I NEED HELP!

    My 5 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD since he was 3 years old. He is currently taking Adderall XR 5 mg and Clonidine .1mg. Lately he has been extremely defiant. He won't listen to us, he will flat out tell us no when we remind him of basic rules (like not hitting his little sister), he...
  11. TerryJ2

    He was up again last night

    I am SO utterly exhausted. I have a friend coming over next wk to splice the cord on the TV, so it can have a diff kind of plug that won't go into a wall socket, and then plug it into the remainder of the cord, which can go into a wall socket, so I can take 1/2 the cord to my office and lock...
  12. D

    ODD & Tenex

    After 2+ exhausting years of increasingly bad behaivor from my now 4 year old son, I turned to the internet for help and came across this site and others like it. I read article upon article and researched mood disorders, ADHD, Autism, everything I could come across until I found an article on...
  13. TerryJ2

    PS2 at 3 a.m.

    Last night I checked on difficult child ... he wasn't in bed ... I woke up husband and asked where difficult child was ... turned out he was downstairs playing PS2, he leg hanging over the arm of the La-Z-Boy, a huge hunk of chocolate in his hand. The only reason I kept my voice down was because I was too tired to shout...
  14. M

    The Good, The Bad, and The Out and Out UGLY

    Have not had a chance to update here on what has been going on since I last posted. I did take my Daniel to the psychiatrist and I DID get his medications changed. He was kept on the Clonidine 0.1mg at night and the Depakote ER 500mg at night but what was added was Haldo 0.5mg and Lexapro 10mg. He...
  15. K

    medication issues

    difficult child definately has ADHD. The ODD seems to have quietly, slowly gotten better. Still very stubborn. In the past two years he has tried Concerta, Focalin, Adderall and now Vyvanse. ALL put him in an extremely bad, angry, scary mood. So angry he is scared. He is taking 50mg's of Zoloft...
  16. AZ_SheilaC

    The Rubber Room

    Don't know about anyone else, but dealing with a child with conduct disorder is the most frustrating, disappointing, annoying, horrifying, exhausting, obnoxious thing on this planet. My son has been oppositional defiant for two years. Any little change in routine and it's 20 minutes of being...
  17. T

    Some non-critical advice wanted

    I just want to ask that people dont critize me or put me down, call me names or dis-credit my parenting. Trust me I feel bad enough and didnt come here for critism, I came here for support. So I dont know how to deal with my emotions about having a little boy living in my home who has ADHD, ODD...
  18. TerryJ2

    He's up again

    difficult child had a cup of coffee tonight at the school science expo. I was very upset with-him but didn't let it ruin the evening. We gave him his Vistaril and 1/2 clonidine but he is still awake. I just caught him watching TV. He is reading now. He has a huge math test tomorrow. In a nice voice, I told him...
  19. TiredSoul

    Major Aggression and Meltdowns Daily

    The pediatrician hasn't called us back - I also have a call in to the psychiatrist! difficult child has been having problems at school during recess everyday and has been super aggressive after school which then leads to him getting in physical fights with his friend. We are to the point where we will...
  20. S

    Tired and feeling hopeless...

    I'm back. It's been awhile since I was on here and I used a different name them - it was butterflydreams. Anyway, life has been very hectic since this last summer. I am no longer working, I am going to school full time now. My daughter took the GED in May and aced it! She is now...