
  1. M

    Medication Possibilities

    I was just wondering what possible medication combinations would work for a child diagnosed with anxiety (social, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and separation) and ADHD, AS signs and the possibility of underlying bipolar. I have to get back into the psychiatrist because the prozac just made him more oppositional and hyper so I didn't...
  2. R

    Clinical Trial results for Early Onset Bipolar

    While discussing what to add to my son's medications yesterday, our psychiatrist said she had just read a preview of several clinical trials for EO BiPolar (BP) that will be coming out over the next several months/year. The review was sent to child psychiatrists (at least that's what she is) now because the findings were...
  3. flutterby

    He's falling asleep in the shower

    difficult child 2 didn't take his Seroquel Tuesday night. He was up late and fell asleep Wednesday night around 7pm. I woke him and gave him his medications around 8pm. He has no memory of it. He slept all night in street clothes, shoes and jacket. Today (Thursday), he got pulled out of class by the principal...
  4. gcvmom

    Hurry up and WORK already!

    difficult child 2 has been on Tegretol XR a week now and I am really wishing we could just fast forward another month because his behavior is not getting any better. Although his math/science teacher said he appears to be less impulsive this week. And he has been able to get his homework done more quickly...
  5. C

    Bipolar diagnosis--Starting Lithium

    Anyone have any experience? My difficult child who is 9 was just diagnosed with Bipolar a couple days ago. The psychiatrist was very good. He wants me to get into my prim care doctor so that I can get on different medications also because paxil just doesn't seem to be working for me and I also have bipolar symptoms...
  6. totoro

    Side Affects from AP's that didn't go away???

    I have a question? Well K started Risperdal in 12/06 a low dose... the dose was .50mg starting, she went up to 1mg. It was Difficult Child'd on 3/7/07 due to: tongue thrust, drooling, movements-abnormal to her regular ones. Increased agitation. Overall just bad side affects... oh and the weight gain. So...
  7. my guy ty

    Not feeling so alone anymore...

    Hello out there........ I'm not too sure how to do this...........I have never been a member of an online support group before......I'm also not sure what I'm looking for......I guess maybe some understanding, wisdom ....... My son is currently in a psychiatric hospital......He has been there 14 days and still...
  8. jugey

    New medications

    Hi Everyone. It's very hard to know where to begin with this post because so much has happened. Life has been very difficult. Our decision to wean difficult child of all medications was a very bad one. She has been cycling between hostility, which sometimes results in violence/destruction, and sadness and talk...
  9. JJJ

    Tongue Thrusting

    Ugh ugh ugh! Eeyore has been on Geodon for 4 days and he woke up this morning with tongue thrusting. So he can't take Risperdal (lactated) or Geodon (td) and insurance no longer covers Abilify or Seroquel and our doctor hates Zyprexa and won't even talk about the old school APs...
  10. T

    difficult child up all night...At my wits end

    Hi, difficult child has been transitioning from Trileptal to Depakote ER since our psychiatrist visit two weeks ago. He has now finished Trileptal and is taking 500 mg of Depakote ER. We made this switch after several very good months on Trileptal because difficult child once again became hypomanic a few weeks ago. psychiatrist had...
  11. B

    Went to the doctor

    So difficult child went to the dr. yesterday. It was his first appointment. after our horrible weekend last weekend that included a trip to the psychiatric hospital. Anyway, the dr. at the hospital told us to ask for him to be tested for bipolar. I was unable to go to the appointment. because of work, but husband took him. I trust husband to take...
  12. H

    Seroquel and Liver levels?

    Hi all. First of all I am sooo happy to report that this past month on seroquel has changed our lives! It's not perfect but nearly so. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping this will be a long term thing. Juan Carlos had gotten so violent and out of control it was as if he was not there...
  13. J

    pysch just gave difficult child risperdal

    hi went to doctor today with-difficult child. he basically leaves it up to me what to put her on, it's beyond ridiculous. i have to sit there and make an uneducated guess as to what medication to put her on with-o any info on the medication. he rushes me out the door. it's so hard. so i said we've tried ap's, ssri's...
  14. P

    Need input before psychiatrist tomorrow

    Hi difficult child 2 has been on Abilify (very low dose) for a few years for impulsivity, getting in other kids' space etc. He has major focus issues. executive function etc. Stimulants made him miserable, have tried just about everything else. (Abilify is only AP though). We finally decided to...
  15. gcvmom

    Bumping medications (again) for difficult child 2

    We're still on the road towards stability with difficult child 2 -- and I guess we're not quite there yet, but I don't think it's going to take too much longer. At least I hope. Gee, he's 12 1/2 and first started medications at the age of 4 1/2... I guess 8 years of trial and error isn't so bad if it will mean he...
  16. klmno

    At a loss

    difficult child tells me today that he wants to drink or smoke or something because he doesn't feel the way he should. OK, so I tell him this means the medications are not right yet and we need to discuss this with psychiatrist. I asked if he had been doing anything- he said sneaking and smoking cigarettes sometimes. I say...
  17. Liahona

    ITS WORKING!!!!!

    The psychiatrist upped the risperdal to 1mg and its working to stop the mania! He has only taken this dose for 2 days. This morning he was defiant, punching, throwing, ect.... Then he took his medications and a few hours latter he was cleaning his room and letting difficult child 2 play with his toy. It was like a...
  18. T

    How to help the ADHD in a Bipolar Child?

    difficult child's school (yes, his therapeutic day school) is reporting that his hperactivity is out of control. Now my SO learned this info from his ex (difficult child's mom) so we have not yet heard it directly from the school. Being Bipolar, he is not on any ADHD medications because they have not worked inthe past. The...
  19. J

    Im new to this site

    My name is Jessica and I have 4 children. My one daughter is 8 yrs,old and she has been diagnosed with ADHD/ Bipolar. I noticed when she was very young that something was not right. She was a very agressive with others, she had a lot of trouble siteing still and was very distructive!! I started...
  20. Janna

    Now That I Got B*tchy

    psychiatrist is willing to talk to me. Oh well, whatever I have to do. I received several emails from her today. The nicest after she found out I filed a complaint. Whatever's necessary....she's pleasant and communicative and I can be the same. She believes the issues are related to "a Bipolar...