
  1. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  2. klmno

    Zyprexa experience???

    psychiatrist wants to change difficult child (slowly) from lithobid and depakote er to this. What is it and does anyone have any experience they can share?? difficult child is currently belligerent- possibly full blown manic- court first thing tomorrow and this afternoon filled with psychiatrist appointment and mtg with his attny over...
  3. B

    Any Suggestions

    So many of you were very supportive last week with my post of can't stop crying. I thought I would ask you guys if you have any thoughts of what I might want to ask the psychiatrist tomorrow. We have been doing this for 3 years and I think I have read EVERY book and googled mood disorder and or...
  4. totoro

    Lamictal ? Since No doctor will call back!!! UPDATE!!

    OK, week 3 of no-one returning a call!!! So nice. Anyway, K is up to 37.5mg of Lamictal once a day in the a.m. she is also taking 2.5mg Abilify bid. She has been severely depressed, more than ever before, sitting in the a.m. and just staring out the window, "no-one likes me", "I am the worst...
  5. S

    Medications/interventions for Impulse Contrl

    My five year old ADHD difficult child has terrible impulse control. We are trying guanfacine but it isn't doing anything. We cant keep her out of anything. I mean it is constant. She sees something she is going to get it or touch it. If she wants something she is going to get it. Discipline doesn't...
  6. nvts

    Medication Information/Assistance

    Hi! difficult child 1 is at it again! He's back in the psychiatric hospital. for an overnight due to a meltdown (got home around midnight last night!). Very - extrememly long story...he's in a Community Residence about 5 miles away so I'm not involved on the daily behaviors. He comes home for about 5 hours on Saturdays...
  7. M

    appetite suppressant? while on antipsychotic

    Is there any appetite suppressant that is safe. difficult child is eating huge amounts on seroquel and also when was on abilify. He's getting obese. Do psychiatrists ever prescribe or rec anything to combat the over eating?
  8. totoro

    Can I get off the Roller Coaster??? Long

    even for a few minutes??? The past week and a half has been up and down to say the least! mother in law in the hospital for 5 days... she is OK now. husband bestfriend's brother killed himself (he has kids and a wife), one of my old highschool friends died of a heart attack. Then the kid's... difficult child 2's Occupational Therapist (OT)...
  9. 3

    Metadate questions?

    so here we go again.... Since September it's been (in addition to Lithium) Wellbutrin - didn't work, Concerta - didn't work and took away appetite, Seroquel - made him aggressive (but stopped the bedwetting), Adderal - put him on hyper warp speed, did nothing positive (bedwetting back again)...
  10. jannie

    He won't stop eating

    difficult child 1 eats and eats and eats. Thankfully he is active, but he is putting on the weight. He is tall ( I forgot how tall, but he already weighs 88 pounds). There are so many daily battles with food. I know the abilify makes him eat more...He needs the abilify. He is also very picky. He craves...
  11. Alisonlg

    Any Suggestions?

    M is driving husband insane (and I won't's rather annoying me as well...but I'm more worried about husband's temper as of late). The past couple of weeks, M is just uncontrollably bossy, demanding, and repetative about it. For instance, say we're going to go to the store...we all go out to...
  12. S

    Question about Depakote

    Peanut has been on Depakote for about 2 months. Two weeks ago his psychiatrist increased it from 500mg(250mg am & pm) to 750mg in pm only. I have noticed that about 1 1/2 hours after taking his pills he is starving. We eat at 5:30pm and bedtime is at 8:00. He takes his pills at dinner. He also is...
  13. M


    difficult child has been on abilify for years... his behavior is often off the charts aggressive & violent. recent psychiatrist is suggesting switching to zyprexa or abilify. he's been on zyprexa for years prior to abilify, and it was no better. And i can't recall for sure, but i think he also tried Seroquel...
  14. jannie

    Intuniv--long acting guanficine

    Hi All- My difficult child just started to take Intuniv, which is long acting guanficine-with benefits. It is supposed to target impulsivity, agitation, frustration, activity level, and even help with attention. I believe it is also supposed to help with tics. We're starting it slowly 1 week at 1 mg, one...
  15. Z

    And we are now in crisis mode

    All of our questions about whether the Risperdal was helping or not have been answered today. Yep, was doing something. difficult child has now put us in crisis mode. His behavior is back to where it was when we admitted him into the inpatient unit this summer. We made an emergency call to the psychiatrist who...
  16. H

    Weight gain on Seroquel?

    You guys are always my go to place when we start having problems. Some of you may remember me and my difficult child Juan Carlos. Since starting seroquel last year, Carlos has been awesome. He has had zero violent outbursts and is learning how to deal with his emotions. I am still homeschooling him...
  17. Janna

    The medication Road, Yet Again

    After almost 17 very good, almost miraculous months, the realization that the medicine is no longer working for Dylan has hit us head on. He is hypomanic. Eyes bugging. Loud. The giddy, "I can't help it" laugh. It's beyond annoying. Truthfully, I saw what I thought was mania before, but within...
  18. K

    psychiatrist appointment. medication question

    Ok. difficult child has been awful, more awful since psychiatrist put him on remerom about a month or so ago. He has not been in class for about two weeks. (kicked out of one or another, or else refuses to go to class) Anyway. psychiatrist appointment. today. Stopped the remerom and put him on Abilify. Now, difficult child has a very...
  19. Janna

    Popular Night For psychiatrist Appts

    I just read Sharon's LOL, we had one also. Must be alot of difficult child'ness going on. Dylan's weight went from a concerning 108 3 months ago to a whopping 129 tonight. I cannot allow this to continue, no matter how great he is behaviorally. The psychiatrist agrees. Dylan is also still having problems with the...
  20. W

    Need Feedback on Depakote-difficult child at it again!!!!!

    Hello, I have been away for awhile and need advice. My difficult child is diagnosed with bi-polar. He has currently been taking Abilify 10.0 mg 1x/day and Clonidine 2 times/day (1/2 pill in am and 1 and 1/2 pill at bedtime). He continues to struggle with moods,oppositional behavior and has started some new...