Breaking out in hives


Roll With It
I am sorry you are feeling so yucky. Hives are HORRIBLE.

Did the doctor teach you how to use the epipen? There is usually a "trainer" dispensed with your epipen. The "trainer" had no needle and no medicine in it. It is solely for use in learning how to give yourself or a loved one the injection.

If you are supposed to have 2 injections then you should have gotten 2 epipens and 1 trainer. If you only have the injections, or don't have enough injections you need to contact the pharmacy to check the order and the doctor if he didn't give you the right number of pens.

PLEASE watch the instructions if you got a DVD about the epipen. Or go to and see the movie on the website. Then PRACTICE with the trainer.

Please ask your son and/or husband to learn to give you the shot. It can go through clothing, even jeans, so there should be no modesty issue with your son. It is important to have a family member know how to use them too. Just in case you should have a reaction and cannot do it yourself.

I hope you feel better very soon!! Please take care, take photos and get to the ER if you possibly can during the next one, or ASAP if you need the epipen.

Many hugs! I worry about you lady!



Crazy Cat Lady
I can remember riding a horse that accidentally stepped on a yellowjacket nest in the ground.

He dumped me and bolted for the nearest river. That's the only time I have had mucosal swelling from stings, but in this case there were several and many of them on my face.

I was extremely lucky that there was a VET on site who based a suitable dosage based solely on body weight calculations.

I still don't know if I got the correct dose or not, but it bought enough time for the ambulance to get there and get me stabilized in transit to the hospital.

In general, mucosal swelling is a life-threatening reaction.


Fly away!
I have read article after article that the stress of the "not knowing" about your job is worse than actually losing it. I would keep stress in the back of my mind.

In the meantime, I would change all laundry detergent, soaps, etc to dye free and stop wearing any perfume, deodorant, etc. Treat it like you would an unknown food allergy. Take it down to the basics and add one thing back at a time.

In the meantime, use the Epi pen if you need it.