I am almost hating my son right now.
When I feel that way Copa, I have learned that what I resent is my feeling of powerlessness. I am proud that you acknowledged the feelings. That is huge, Copa. If you take just the smallest peek beneath them, you will see the pain you are protecting yourself from. It is okay to be scared, Copa.
Radical Acceptance helped me.
Then, I could choose Steady State. Affection. This is your little boy, grown up and coping in the best way he knows.
Just like you are too, Copa.
What does he need from his mother? More than anything, he needs you to believe he will come through this. He needs to know you love him. He needs to know there are boundaries behind which you both can be safe.
You are doing all those good things, Copa.
This is another hard thing.
You have done hard things ~ maybe, harder things than this, before.
Copa. You can say, "I don't know. I love you so much. I wish I knew how to do this better. I love you. I don't know how to do this. But I do know we will come through it."
You are coming through this well, Copa. I feel very proud for you. You are not flinching from what is true, today. That takes major courage. Just to see what is takes major courage.
Every one of us is dealing with something he or she cannot cope with. We have not been singled out. We are not weak. We just don't know, right now, what to do about what is happening.
What we don't get to do is pretend it is not happening.
What a crummy position to find ourselves in.
But, here we are. Here our children are, too.
"Let me win. If I cannot win, let me be brave."
The Kennedy who heads Special Olympics said that.