Grandson finally living with me. HELP!!!!!!!


New Member
Fianally, my 16 year old grandson will be living with my husband and me instead of his abusive parents! GS has been physicially and emotionally abused far too many years. Has severe vision and motor skill problems as results of drug use by mother. Also, severe anger management problems as a result of the severe physical and emotional abuse he suffered from his parents and sibling. He will be entering 10th grade this year. Very difficult for anything to be done as GS parents tells his teachers he is just lazy and doesn't want anyone to interfere with his life.

I don't have much, but this is what I have:

1- doctors. letters stating the physicial conditions and vision dxs.
2- Psychological evaluation

WHERE DO I BEGIN???????????

Our goals:
GS to feel loved and respected!
GS to respect his teachers.
Full-time aide at school to scribe assignments.
Oral testing in all subjects
Modified day
Modified course requirements.

I want to get a jump on this as I've read in other posts it can take a long time to get the school on the same page we want them to be on.
Thank you!


New Member
I'm guessing he does not have an IEP in place yet. Will he be attending the same school as before? For his sake, I'm hoping he'll get a fresh start.

I would start by requesting an IEP and a PRIVATE meeting with the guidance counselor. I say 'private' meaning only to exclude your GS. By middle and HS they want the kids to be involved in their own IEPs. This is great, and should happen, but for your GS, I think it would benefit him if the staff knew where he was "coming from". Sounds like he needs a lot more positive reinforcements than negative consequences. You can get the process started right now before school starts.

Make a pleasant pest of yourself, if you must. Get the records from the old school (assuming he's changing schools) ASAP.

Welcome to the board. You've found a great place for support, guidance and insights.

PS If you don't get more responses here, post a thread in the General Parenting section. Everyone has different ways of scanning the threads, and over the summer, this one seems a bit "neglected"


Active Member
Definitely get the school informed this week that he will be starting there in the fall. Most Special Education programs are staffed and set for the fall already and the sooner they know he will be attending, the sooner they can adjust for him.

Click on the link below my signature and do a parent report. That will help you with dealing with the schools and doctors as you get him involved with the services in your area.

Do you know what his current reading and math levels are? Does he read Braille?


cordelia, I posted my response to this thread on your General Parenting thread.