I may be getting too far out


Well-Known Member
I saw that show.

I was always amazed that mother was able to act so darned normal to the rest of the world. She threatened to shoot my friends one time and I tried to have her committed but she presented so damned normal that no one would believe me and I came away looking like an incorrigible teen. Unfortunately for me, my dad simply wouldnt back me up. He had to know but was too afraid(?) to go against her at the time. I dont know how she fooled the world. But she did. Near the end of her friendship with my now stepmom, my stepmom knew how sick she really was but there was nothing she could do either. She had already done so much damage to me and I was an adult by then so what can you do? My stepmom had some info about stuff she did to me that I didnt even know yet but she waited a few years to tell me all of it because if she had told me then I might have really gone off the deep end. She was right.

I dont know...we have decided my mom had some form of schizophrenia but she hid it very well. Maybe it was the schizoid personality disorder...we arent sure...we will never be sure because she never sought help. She only thought I was the bad one. She was perfect and by the time I could get her help, it was too late.


Active Member
I doubt she would have accepted any help you could have gotten her. I doubt that about my mother, too, which is why I'm not pushing a POA or even contact with her doctors. It's one thing to be mentally ill and need help, but if a person has been abusive to their kid and never acknowledge any mistake, much less problem, of their own, there comes a point where we just have to say "oh well" and keep going our own way. My mother will probably die a very lonely person but the way I look at it, she chose being alone over making an effort to get along and treat others the way she wants to be treated. She and my bro both accused me many times, most recently this past week, that I am keeping difficult child from them. Yet, they both saw difficult child last because I took difficult child to where they each live and when they were invited here, for the past 2 years for my mom and about 4 for my bro, they said no, they were not coming. difficult child is not stupid.


Well-Known Member
My mom did die alone in the nursing home because after I had to put her in there I just couldnt bring myself to keep going to visit her very often. She was there about a year and a half and I probably visited her 10 times. The nursing home wasnt happy about that either. But I just couldnt do it. By that time she was really out of it and didnt know any of us at all and it was so hard on me.

I had taken care of her for about 3 years....well me and my family. The boys did so much. They were extremely good with her. Cory even bathed her. He was about the only one she would let bathe her. But taking care of her was so emotionally hard and by the time she went in the nursing home I was just done. Emotionally I just couldnt handle any more. I really dont know how to explain it clearly. It was like I hit a brick wall and I just couldnt go anymore.


Well-Known Member
No...not too badly. The nursing home tried to sic APS on me for not coming to see her but when I explained to the social worker exactly what she had done to me and why I felt the way I did and how I had taken care of her for so long before she went in the home and just how emotionally bankrupt I was feeling...well she understood. You simply cant force someone to visit someone in a nursing home. There is a law, at least in NC, that children are responsible for their parents if they become disabled and unable to care for themselves and they are not on medicaid but by this time my mom was on medicaid because she was in the nursing home. Before she went in the nursing home she wasnt on medicaid and I was legally bound to care for her unless I convinced a judge that I shouldnt be.


Active Member
Uhmmmm....(choking here- please pat on back and prepare to call 911)....how do those laws apply if the adult child is living out of state?

I don't see how you could have even been reported if your mom was in the nursing home- if she wasn't being taken care of, it should be them they got into trouble. But you know, I don't understand the system many times.


Well-Known Member
Well K...be prepared to get one heck of a shock because I got a phone call in the middle of a work day telling me that I had to come down and take care of my mother or they would press charges against me for neglect of an aging parent! Yep...that is right.

She lived in SC and I lived in NC. Go figure. I hadnt seen her in probably 3 or 4 months and had no idea she had gone downhill so badly. So I figure the laws are the same in SC too.

Needless to say I took off from work immediately and rushed right down there.

LOL...remembering this. I had to call Cory's tech...(the guy who was basically like a babysitter who went everywhere with him but was a behavioral aide) and tell him he would have to stay with Cory until his dad got home because of the emergency. He was fine with it. I grabbed Jamie and took him home to stay. Billy lived with my mom. I couldnt call tony because this was before we had cells. I made sure Jamie knew what to tell his dad.

I drove like a mad woman down to the beach to figure out what was going on. Seems my mom couldnt remember her name or her address at the bank and she had this strange man with her so the bank blocked her accounts and she couldnt get any money out. Good for them. My mom had let this stupid 30 year old unemployed bum move into her house about 3 years prior to this event and nothing I said could get her to throw him out. The man tried to rape me in her house for heavens sake and she didnt believe me. That happened while I was staying with her while she had cataract surgery. (What didnt I do for her?) This guy managed to con her out of about 7 to 10 grand we think plus some of her silver and antiques. He took off like a scalded cat when we finally came down to get my mom. Tony was ready to kill the guy. After the guy tried to rape me Tony said if he ever laid eyes on him he was done for and the guy would run from the house every time we came around. We found out after this whole thing was done that this guy even hit billy but billy was too afraid to tell us. I could just kill him myself. This was all long before I got diagnosis'd and stable or things would be a whole lot different...lol. He wouldnt be ...well...I dont think he is walking the streets. I think I heard he got put in jail.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
OMG Janet. I didn't realize our mothers were so similar. A bit eerie.

To make it even more so..........

I picked up the book Mommy Dearest at a yard sale. I finally had time to read it last week. Wow. My Mom and Joan Crawford could've been twins. Except to my knowledge Mom never drank. I was so stunned to be reading about someone so very like my mother it shook me to my core. (and that hasn't happened in a very long while)

My mother was also pretty darn good at hiding it from the world. Unless someone got too close.....she never had close friends. It wouldn't take long to figure out she was seriously mental. And they'd distance themselves from her fast.

If I get a phone call like that over my Mom........sorry, but I'll take jail. I had more than enough of her as a child. I may love her, but I'm about to have her ever live with me again.:faint:


Active Member
Yes, you were!

After I have fought against unjust biases after my bro filed for custody and heard my mom blame me for all difficult child's issues and throw up things to me like me asking her for spending money when I was a teen (well, duh- ), and hear how she is writing me out of the will and she can't stand to be around me, and it's my fault she has these panic attacks because I'm just like my father, I can't believe there's even a remote possibility that someday I'll get a call saying I could be charged if I don't come and take care of her. How do you take care of someone who claims they can't stand to be around you and everything bad iin their life is your fault?

Supposedly, she's changing her will and someone else will be executor, so shouldn't that person take care of her if she becomes incapacitated? Knowing her, she'll make difficult child the person- a minor, who can't legally or responsibly.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
K I think the executor may have to in your case.

Janet I am thrilled to have sibs then...........although most likely none of them are up to the job of caring for her. If by some curse it did fall on me........she'd be in a nursing home fast. No guilt. And I'd insist she be medicated for the first time in her life so the staff could tolerate her.

Yes, you were a :censored2: fine daughter. :D

Me too..........although my mom can't decide from one moment to the next whether I'm devil's spawn or a saint.

Hmmmm. Come to think about it............I haven't heard from my Mom in several weeks. I wonder what she's up to.........Maybe I should call her tomorrow. lol


Quid me anxia?
All you women with self-pitying mothers from Hell, please make sure you claim, and receive, any pictures and memorabilia from your mother BEFORE she makes a new will and assigns a new executor. My vulture read my love letters which my mother had squirreled away, used some of the information against me in her deposition, and refused to give me my family's photo albums. Once they are executor they have all the power and once they get their claws in your sick mother your valuable childhood possessions are gone. I know you have to protect your hearts and souls from your abusive "maternal unit" but my mother made it possible for the abuse to go on beyond the grave. Her hands are still around my neck.


Well-Known Member
Well I probably did things all completely wrong but when I packed up my mom to bring her to my house, everything she had came to me. Now she had very little of my things anymore. Not even pictures of me. I was that unimportant to her. I think she had two pictures of me as a baby and small child. What I did get is pictures of my grandmother and great grandparents which do mean something to me but Im sure she never thought they would. I also have all her furniture and her antiques. Some of it is quite valuable...at least it has a whole lot of sentimental value to me, more than she would have ever known, and more than I would have ever thought. I will never part with most things. I may give the boys a piece here and there. My mom was really into authentic Blue Willow. I have no idea why I want her furniture but it reminds me of my family and it is a part of me. It is something I will probably pass down to the grandkids.

But...I bypassed the executor. By the time my mom really didnt have any assets left in her possession. I considered everything already passed out. Her home was gone, I had taken over her "stuff". I wasnt even going to go there. I didnt even contact the executor. Still havent. If they put it into probate all that would have happened would have been to force the sale of her stuff to pay medicaid back for her stay in the nursing home and Im not selling her furniture. Nope not happening.


Active Member
Well, as far as stuff, I will relay what has happened with my mother so far.

She would not part with my step-father's stuff and give it to his kids until he had been dead 30 years. (They had been married about 5 years when he died. He had 6 kids.) She still has a couple of things that she claims he gave to her. One was a trunk made by one of his son's in high school that my step-father had because the son had asked his dad to keep it for him until he had a place of his own and room for it. My mom likes it because it is cedar and she stores things in it.

Now, about 5-7 years ago I asked my aunt and uncle (who live a couple of states away) to meet difficult child and me for a few days of vacation and they agreed. I was going to rent a place and planned for me and difficult child to stay all week and it would be about half-way between where they live and we live.

Then, I get a call from my mom saying she had talked to her sister (this particular aunt) and they had decided to come to her house instead so difficult child and I could come there, too, instead of renting a place for that week. I did not want to do this because it was not as convenient, it meant the whole vacation was with family, and because every time different "parts" of the family get together at once with my mom or bro involved, there is conflict or at least tension. But my mom said that I had to if I was going to get stuff she had been saving for me from her and my dad's marriage and the one thing I wanted from my step-dad. These are somewhat valuable, but more importantly, they have great sentimental value to me. They include a painting my step-dad did while I stood over his shoulder night after night and watched, the china from my mom and dad's wedding that I had hoped to pass down to difficult child and his wife someday (my bro is not a product of that marriage and will never have a legal marriage or child so I figured it would not be an issue), and family photos. My mom told me that she knew I wanted those things and I could tag whatever else I wanted because she was getting ready to sell a bunch of stuff and move out of state. And she said that she and her friend would rent a truck and bring the stuff to me during the course of moving if I would come down then and tag it.

So, we all changed our plans and the night I got to my mom's with difficult child, she has my aunt and uncle with her at her friend's house next door. She told me to stay at her house and she would be over soon. I don't recall who came over first- my aunt or my mom but while I was waiting and unpacking, I gave difficult child a snack and drank a beer. The short of what I was told by my mom is that she had decided not to part with those things yet and did not feel she owed me anything. The message from my aunt was that I should build my own life and stop expecting my mom to provide for me and give me her stuff- that I should get my own and quit drinking all the time and that my mom's stuff was hers, not mine. Now, I had not even seen my aunt in about 2-3 years.

Needless to say, I was livid at my mom which was detected by everyone even though I tried hard to keep my cool and not do anything rash like pack up and come straight back home. It was clear to me that my mom had gotten my aunt there to tell her carp to have my aunt back her up and my mom truly cannot seem to stand it if she thinks anyone in the family is getting along with me. My aunt and I had been getting along- we had been writing and we had both agreed to get together so she and I could talk more and my uncle and difficult child could fish and spend time together.

Did any of that happen? NO. The only thing my mom said I could take back with me was the painting, which would not fit in my car so I couldn't bring it back. Was anything brought to me? NO. Up until last Sunday, she said she was still saving these things for me. Am I holding my breathe? NO.

And, also, last Sunday she said not only was I keeping difficult child from her, but I was keeping him from my aunt and uncle, too. Really? They no longer have interest in seeing me and have never asked for difficult child to visit them- although I understand that due to their health and age. And my mom seems to have conveniently forgotten the previous years she has spent asking me why I would want to spend time around them since they became almost fanatically involved in their church as they aged. Which is why, I'm sure, that my mom lead them to believe that I sit around drinking all the time.

Anyway, last month my mom emails out of the blue and tells me my aunt and uncle were coming to visit her. This is after years of bad-mouthing them, avoiding speaking and so forth claiming they were too fanatical for her. OK, she asked if I wanted to come and visit while they were there. I said no, I could not make it. (I have vowed NEVER to be around my mother and another family member at the same time again.) I assumed that my aunt and uncle didn't care to visit me anyway since I haven't heard from them in 2-3 years at all and it could have broken up their long trip to stay a couple of nights with me on the way to or from my mom's- but they didn't write or call or anything.

My guess is that my mom made effort to get back on their good side because she decided to re-write her will and is probably portraying me as her enemy again and now my aunt/uncle are her "blessed ones". Never mind that last August while difficult child and I were visiting my mom, my mom made issue to show me where all her paperwork, jewelry, etc was in her house in case something happened to her and reiterated that she was going to update her will and I would remain executor so prepare myself.

That's my long-winded way of saying that I wouldn't stake anything in what my mother says- and wouldn't bother trying to go get anything at this point. The last I heard, the china is stored in some boxes but she isn't sure which ones (it might have been sent back with my aunt and uncle), the painting is hanging on her wall, and the family photos- she said she went thru a lot of photos because she had so many and asked if I wanted some photos of difficult child back. (This is the same woman who says she loves her grandson so much and wishes she had more of a relationship with him.)
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