I "think" I'm on the edge of a crisis. Please send Board support.


Well-Known Member
I really hope I'm wrong. I really pray that I am wrong. This morning, however, I am derailed and trying to get into crisis mode with easy child/difficult child. Why? I'm not prepared to say. I'd just really appreciate some support. Personally my stomach is upset and I'm repeating the Serenity Prayer. DDD


Praying for peace, strength, wisdom and guidance.
Yes, the Serenity Prayer is might powerful.


Well-Known Member
You certainly have my prayers and support. Been there/done that and know how it feels...so you have my empathy too. Hang in there and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh noooo DDD. Im so sorry. Keeping you in my thoughts. I will get a virtual bottle of cutty and put it on my desk top for you.