Out of Concerta --fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Somehow, the medications weren't refilled in time and the psychiatric is out of the ofc for a wk. I left a msg with-our pediatrician, explaining the situation and hoping they take pity on us.
Our psychiatric had recommended mail order medications and it confused everything. It was not,not, not worth the savings. They even sent one scrip back and said it was too soon to fill. Say what? You're supposed to send them all in and they fill the medications when they come due. At least, that's what it said online.
difficult child was sleepy and grumpy all day yesterday. We probably overdid the clonidine out of panic. {blush} He ate a Halloween-sized pkg of Reese's peanut butter cups, an entire container of salt and vinegar chips, and lord knows what else. Yes, I made (rice flour) pancakes and turkey bacon for breakfast but then husband and I went out and that's when difficult child got into the junk food. You think we'd learn.
He was better this a.m. and at 2 rice flour muffins and drank some tea.
We did not give him any medications at all.
I'll give him 1/2 a clonidine when he gets home from school.
Fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Family doctor should be able to do an emergency script - ours has done this - pharmacy sends copy of last script from psychiatrist, and family doctor authorizes one fill identical to that.


Well-Known Member
Lordy, I bet you have an ear out for the phone call that you don't want to get. been there done that. Thankfully it only happened to me once over the years but I still remember how stessed I was. Here's hoping he has a wonderful day and the MD takes pity on you. Usually there is a referral doctor taking emergency calls when a week is taken off. If you can't get the medication from one...try calling the referral doctor's office and explain the problem. Maybe they'll take pity on you and difficult child. Sending caring thoughts your way. DDD


Well-Known Member
The pediatrician's ofc called back and needed the excact milligrams and could not get ahold of the other dr. (No surprise there.) Luckily, the original psychiatric wrote the scrip but nobody called to tell me about it. I'll pick it up tomorow and give it to difficult child Wed. a.m.
In the meantime, he's behaving okay, eating alot more, and sleeping more. Not bad ...


Well-Known Member
Just for future reference - the pharmacy could have faxed a copy of the previous script - the one that's out of refills - to the pediatrician's office... which would have had all the details.

Also, as an insurance policy of sorts - I always take all the medications with me to the pediatrician/fam doctor when we have check-ups - and the doctor updates his notes with the current script details... so that if we ever get caught in a bind, he already has the details.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all.
The pediatrician called and left a msg for me to call the pharma and get the details.
In the meantime, the psychiatrist had written a scrip but no one let me know about it. They open at 9, so I'll zoom down there, pick it up, and get it filled. I think it will be too late in the day to give it to difficult child around 10:30 though.
He's home sick with-his usual headache and stomach ache.
Must be a new school yr!