Question about getting gas card for son


New Member
Son developed bi-polar behavior this past September including periods of mania, "Mom, I don't know what it is but I have been up for 3 days and don't need sleep!" and depression. His therapist thought his behavior might be a side effect of his drug use. Plus he had been diagnosed with ADHD earlier in life and had been taking Vivan sp?- which is a stimulant. (We believe he is out of it at present.) After an on-line suicide post he was admitted to county hospital mental health unit for 5 nights. Because he was an adult, we could not be told if/or what he was diagnosed with. He left the facility with the understanding that he would consult with a psychiatrist and check into rehab - as well as armed with a prescription for Seraquel (sp?) which is given to bi-polar patients. I did call the social worker at the hospital (who had made it clear she could not discuss his record) and asked if she thought my husband and I would benefit from joining a bi-polar mental health support group and she resoundingly said yes, and gave me the name of a specific group. I kind of took that as an indication he could have been diagnosed but who knows??. He says he can't get in to see a psychiatrist until December (at least that is what he is telling us.) He HATES me and if I intervene he absolutely will have nothing to do with my help. I just read the study someone posted a year or so ago about prognosis for youths with behavioral issues. difficult child doesn't have a lot in his favor. He is lacking executive skills, is impulsive, etc. He dropped out of rehab and my husband and I believe he is following through with the psychiatrist because of the medication that could be involved.


Well-Known Member
My son was awful from mid teens onward till we completely put the breaks on him and slapped him with 3 felony charges at age 21. That was the absolutely hardest thing I have ever had to do but I feel if I hadnt done it he would have continued on his downward path and done far worse. At least what he did was to me and I had some input into his sentencing. He was probably let off lightly according to some but it was hard for him. He turned himself around really and is doing much better but I also credit that to him becoming older. There are studies out there that show that the frontal lobe doesnt finish growing until age 24-25 and that is when you will see what your kid will truly be as an adult. I pretty much believe that now. At 17 I thought my kid was headed to a lifetime in so much.