So, how easily do cats get food poisoning?


Fly away!
After cleaning out the fridge, easy child put the garbage in the garage instead of taking it outside to the city supplied garbage bin (you know, open the garage door and walk about 10 feet).

Anyway, Baby Kitty - 10 years old - got into it and was eating a chicken breast that had been cooked at least 2 weeks ago. She didn't get much before I got it from her.

Should I expect anything?


Crazy Cat Lady
Maybe a case of the runs and a bit of puking, but in all honesty, if she's eating, drinking, and purring (LoL) I wouldn't sweat it at all. Cats, like dogs, have much stronger digestive juices than we humans do and food poisoning is quite rare in either species.

Watch her for a few days, looking for the obvious vomiting and diahrrea. Another sign that she might be ill is if she withdraws or her behavior otherwise changes, get her into the vet.

Most likely things will be fine and if she's shown no signs of sickness yet, there's probably nothing to worry about. Questions? Call your vet. I'm not a vet, just someone with a lot of experience with cats and dogs who happened to work for a vet for several years. I can't diagnose.


Quid me anxia?
Honestly, Heather, when my relatives were starving in Europe during WWII they would have been very grateful to eat a piece of chicken that was "only" 2 weeks old. I witnessed my ancient grandmother sear a stinking piece of veal "for use tomorrow". She lived to the age of 104.


Crazy Cat Lady
It is still customary in Germany for many butchers to leave the heads and feet on rabbits butchered for meat. During WWII, it was not uncommon for "roof rabbit" (cat) to be passesd off as the real thing.

I'm a lot more concerned about adulterated meat and meat raised under filthy, inhumane circumstances than I am about something kept in the fridge a day or three too long.

And, I have intestinal problems where food poisoning could make me very sick. I've never gotten sick off stuff cooked at home. I've gotten sick at a few restaurants and have had one hospital infection that nearly killed me.

A cut of meat past date by a day or two? Pffffft...doesn't worry me at all.


Quid me anxia?
hasenpfeffer? Ok, I'm highjacking a post here, but how do you cook your rabbit?

School lunches were free in France and we ate rabbit at least twice a week. I liked it, though the little bones got in the way. Is it shocking that the head and feet were still attached?
We also ate sardines and boiled tongue. I hated the tongue as it often wasn't peeled properly.
Sorry, Heather!


Crazy Cat Lady
Hasenpfeffer is actually correctly made with hare not rabbit. The two meats have a very different taste and texture. Rabbit can be substitued in just about any poultry recipe so long as you make allowances for the lack of fat.

Hare needs long slow marinating and a moist cooking process. I like both of them. The easy way to tell them apart is that rabbit has light meat and hare has dark meat.

I like both of 'em. In cities with large populations of European immigrants you can usually get good quality frozen rabbit. I haven't had hare in this country and have never seen it for sale.


Roll With It
Heather, my grandma had several cats at any one time. I once called her long distance because my cat ate old chicken as I was cleaning out the fridge (I left the bucket I was dumping food into one the floor while I went to the bathroom.). This was the Gma we called "Kitty Cat Grandma" to her face. She HATED my great Gma, her mother in law. :tongue: She got the name because I could't keep the Gma K's straight and always asked if it was the one with the kitty cats or without the kitty cats?

Anyway, Kitty Cat Grandma laughed. She said it was very rare for a cat to get food poisoning as they generally won't eat meat that smells "bad" to them. What they seem to prefer would not be what WE would eat, but food a bit older. Hopefully that is comforting to you.

Give the kitty an ear scratch for me! :furry::furry: