The Explosive Child

I am reading the explosive child. I want to thank the others for thier posts about this being used on younger children. I believe this is the book that most explains my oldest child. What a relief to finally understand him.

Anyone else reading this book?


Well-Known Member
I still use the principles from this book with my nearly 7 year old difficult child. The good news is that we've been able to move quite a few things to basket "A", there's virtually no basket "B" and basket "C" truly has the unimportant stuff in it. :smile:


Active Member
Yes, parents on a forum I visit with primarily Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) kids highly recommended it to me when I first needed direction. Parents there reported that it's helpful even if child isn't explosive but just very inflexible. Check out the thread at the top of this board for some thoughts on how to adapt it to young children.