The Last Tooth Fairy Visit


Active Member
My daughter has deep crevices in her teeth and we've had to deal with cavities since she was 2. Unfortunately she isn't overly fond of brushing, and I'm constantly battling her on brushing and flossing and I'm good and tired of it.

Tonight she lost her last tooth--a crown with some rather disgusting looking tissue inside. Looking hopeful, she asked whether the tooth fairy might come and I just found that she'd left the tooth under her pillow. I also discovered that once again she hadn't brushed her teeth before bed so the tooth fairy left her a toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste and a note that read "Nice try, but you didn't brush your teeth before you went to bed."

I can't wait to see her reaction in the morning. :bigsmile:


Active Member
My daughter was properly indignant when she found it. She crossed off the tooth fairy note and wrote in "I'd rather have money" then left it for me to find. :peaceful:


hahaha. This is precious. You are a great mom and a not too shabby tooth fairy. I have several of those capped teeth in a jar and wished I'd thought of this while manster still believed.