What are the things you just couldn't...

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Oh, Deb, a hug...me too...though I can't even remember the last one I received. I've been giving out a lot lately though.

Besides all the generic every day things, which I obviously take for granted like toothepaste, coffee and my car (Oh, thank God for my car!!!)....I think I would have to add that I can't live without...

My warm ginormous california kind sized tempurpedic bed with soft and fluffy pillows that my head and body just melt into each night after my steaming hot shower followed by fluffy towels, slathers of lotion & comfy jammies.

Water, asthma medications, & a sound machine for white noise.

My dogs - I don't know what I would do without their wet noses greeting me at the end of every day and their furry little bodies at the foot of my bed each night.

Books, magazines, eyeglasses.

Heat in the winter.

Our patio and pool; Summers in New England.

I guess like muttmeister, there are very few things I could live without...I feel so spoiled. And I call myself an ecologically-minded person. :redface:


Well-Known Member
I just can't live if I don't have some "alone time." I am willing to stay awake until 3 or 4 in the morning, just so I can have an hour or two to myself, completely on my own. I don't do anything special then, just vegetate sometimes, or do sudokus, and listen to the radio (earphones plugged in). I think I need it more than food.

Love, Esther


Ditto Esther. I *have* to have my alone time as much as I have to have air.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Esther I used to have to have my "alone" time, too.

But let's see........haven't had any in ohhhhhhhhh, about 4 or 5 years now. :mad:

And Nichole and Travis wonder why I'm trying to push them outta the nest.:faint:


Here we go again!
Fresh. Hot. Black. Coffee.

And like Esther, time alone.

My yard, unkempt as it is, to putter around in. I love to hand water stuff.

My kids.

husband, if he's behaving. ;)

My mom.

A really good glass of merlot... or a good cab.


I have read this a couple of times now. I keep thinking on it. I keep asking myself what I couldn't live without. I keep getting stumped. I look at the luxeries and the things I enjoy and I know I could live without them. I have before. I am currently living without two of my three kids. And when easy child goes to her dad's I live without her. husband well I don't like to think of living without him but I could do it.

I truly could not live without the knowledge that I have the strength to get through what ever I am hit with. I couldn't live without the peace I have with myself. I couldn't live without hope.

I have a lot of things I would choose whole heartedly not to live without if I had the choice but I could get on without them.


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
As I've gotten older "the things I can't live without" has lessened. Time alone to reflect, paint whatever it is I need to balance myself. Time alone to communicate with husband with-o conflict.

With all the chaos, I couldn't live with-o my tweedles or Sally. (Our cat Sam is questionable.)

All in all, family.

I must include a good cup of coffee.


Active Member
Definitely my family. I love my MP3 player....listen to audiobooks. Lipstick or chapstick...had dried lips. Computer....so I can keep up with everything and everyone and work. Coffee.....cannot and will not give up my morning crutch.

As far as clothing....I have about 8 pairs of capri sweats. I love them. I have given up on wearing shorts. I haven't worn them in about two years. I have capri pants or I wear my capri sweats. LOVE them!


Spork Queen
Jo, it's funny. I went to the hospital a few days ago and there was this very elderly gentleman who was a 'greeter.' I didn't notice him when I came in, but when I was going to leave he says, "Have a nice day." On his shirt was a big button that said "FREE HUGS." I stopped, said hello and asked him if he was really giving out free hugs. He said Yes!!

Gave him a big hug and left. It is such the small things in life that make you happy. Imagine that as your job...we'll pay you to give out hugs.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Abbey, that was just such a sweet story. I have a nephew who gives the biggest, longest, warmest and greatest hugs ever...ever. When you're done getting hug from my nephew Chris, you feel like you've just stepped out of the waters of renewal, I swear. He lives down in WV near my sister and I see him maybe once a year. His hugs are what I look forward to the most. Can't beat hugs~


Well-Known Member
OH, so sweet, Abbey.

Count me in for decaf tea, iced in summer and hot in winter.
Hugs with my dogs.
And books, books, books.

I love my family, but I love my "alone time" equally.

Looks like we all have a lot in common! :)


Well-Known Member
Half and half in my coffee. I will water down heavy cream if I have to, but there has to be real creamy dairy in my coffee.

Lemon flavored sparkling water. I don't drink plain water and I don't drink pop. I will drink plain sparkling water or club soda in a pinch, but it has to have bubbles.