When hey have serious LDs yet ache to go to college...how do you convince them...


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone.

JJJ, I'd LOVE to hear about the Clearinghouse.

Jumper wants to do something with sports, either be a gym teacher (and coach at school) or be a personal trainer.

She is NOT in Special Education. She is mainstreams for all of her classes.

She has been evaluated for speech/language/eye exam/hearing test, you name it. She will be retested this summer by t he same awesome group of neuropsychs who tested Sonic, my son.

Marg, if she doesn't go to college (at least a two year) she can't play competitive basketball, and she won't give that up so anything other than some sort of college is out of the question. And I get it. Sports are her passion and her love and she wants to play them while incorporating them into her career. If she is dyslexic at all, which wouldn't shock me, she will get help in school and there is actually one state college that targets dyslexic young adults and helps them in a special way. If not...I don't know. We won't give up, but we also can't teach her ourselves.We simply don't have the educational background to teach our kids.