
  1. B

    Anyone know about non-hyperactive ADD?

    My twelve year old daughter is in seventh grade and struggling to keep C's. She has learning disabilities and everyone says she doesn't have ADHD. I'm not sure what ADHD even entails. SHe tells me she has trouble keeping her mind on school when the teacher is talking, then needs to go for extra...
  2. M

    Nurture vs. Enabling

    One of my friends told me that I wasn't being tough enough with the manster. She said that his clingyness and anxiety was something I should be dealing with better and figuring out a way toughen him up. I wasn't offended, and frankly I can see her point. The world won't be kind or tolerante...
  3. Wiped Out

    Constant disrespect

    First let me start by saying I'm so glad difficult child's violence is at an all time low! That being said though, I'm so tired of his CONSTANT arguing and disrespect. Everything anyone says he takes as a chance to argue. He is so disrespectful, especially to me but really to all of us. We give him...
  4. A


    I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys, Peyton 10 and Tyler 3. Peyton was diagnosed at 5 with the ADHD. Now 10, he is violent, aggressive, rude, and just an all around BRAT! I know I shouldn’t say that about my own child but I don’t know what to do anymore....I NEED HELP!!! I have been doing research...
  5. M

    any ideas

    Hi. I'm new here and am hoping maybe someone can give me some new direction to go in. I'll give a little background on our family. My husband (husband) and I have been married for 10 years. We have two children-darling daughter (daughter) who is almost 7 and in first grade, and darling son (DS) who is...
  6. LittleDudesMom

    Happy Free Choice Friday Morning!!!!

    :beautifulthing: Friday is finally here! Good Morning All! Another crazy low humidity, low temp July day in central va. I am not complaining, trust me! We usually have really high humidity by now and mid 90 temps. We have low 80's. It's been lovely. Hitting the gym for easy child's class at...
  7. change

    Experience with Lexapro & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

    Hey All, Was out of town and stayed off the internet all that time. Was wierd. Anyway, I'm back! :winking: Missed y'all too!!! My daughter is switching from Effexor 75mg to Lexapro 20mg. Supposedly to help her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). She also switched from ConcertaXR to AdderrallXR, and Topomax to Lamictal...
  8. F

    Behaves at school??

    I have a 7 yr old with a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)/depression diagnoses that manages to behave in school.I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this as it makes it very hard to get help. He is on risperdal and celexa at the moment, although the risperdal scares me with the potential side affects.
  9. robinm1922

    First round of testing scheduled!

    Just got a call from the Neurodoc and start testing March 6th. difficult child is scheduled for 4 hours of testing, do you all know if I need to stay at the office while she is testing? difficult child is 15 and the dr office is close to my work so I am thinking I could come back to work after I drop her off then go...
  10. dad_of_3

    Mood Disorder - not otherwise specified - first post

    Our difficult child is currently diagnosed with Mood Disorder - not otherwise specified. She is missing some key attributes of Bipolar (primarily the mania part). The main symptoms we are working on now are depression. She gets into what we call meltdowns over seemingly little things (like taking a shower). It then...
  11. robinm1922

    For those with teen daughters

    Hello, My difficult child is 15 almost 16 one of her many problems are her cycles (I am sure you know what I mean) are not regular. She has had cycles since she was almost 13 and they have yet to be real regular. I would have to say every other month her cycle is on time and the other months it is late by...
  12. robinm1922

    New psychiatrist new plan

    difficult child went to new psychiatrist last night, he is AWESOME! She loves him which is huge. We went over her history, told him I don't think she is where she should be with medications yet. Not like she was when she first started Zoloft, not a big wow effect with Celexa yet, better but not wow. Explained the...
  13. L

    Stopping medications and starting over??

    difficult child had a therapy session yesterday and another one today. She told counselor she wanted to kill him. She hates coming to the appointments because he tell us to continue to be consistent and tough with her. She screamed at me in the car the whole way there yesterday and I basically ignored her...
  14. M

    Manster medication Check

    I'm on my way to psychiatrist for medication check. I plan to ask for a referral to a therapist who works with addictive eating stuff. I feel so powerless and responsible. I remember when I was young and ignorant and I would see overweight kids and think "what a horrible parent" they had. I have always had a...
  15. Karen & Crew

    How do you know (m., long)

    Its been a while since I've posted as things have been not too terrible since the Asperger diagnosis but things seem to have gone from bad to worse in what seems like overnight. No idea if my siggy was fixed or not; this site has been giving me grief for almost an hour now but background is difficult child...
  16. jannie

    day 3 lamictil

    Well-we decided to put difficult child 2 on Lamictil. I feel guilty about trying a new medication because he's already on two....but he's still not where he should be. We've been struggling with this decision for over a year. Basically, I feel like difficult child 2 is on the manic side..he's been getting more hyper...
  17. J

    Clonidine questions?

    Hi everyone. Ds4 had his appointment with his psychiatrist yesterday. He is currently taking Lexapro (10 mg) but he upped him to 20 mg (15 first). He is also on Risperdal (2 mg a day) We have seen very little if any change since he's started these medications. We ultimately want to get him off of...
  18. crazymama30

    Clonidine & Klonopin

    Just curious if anyone out there has difficult child's on one of these medications, and if there are what symptoms did they help with? I need to think of something to help difficult child slow down, he is just getting more and more wound up.
  19. Steely

    Not such good news for our bi-polar difficult children

    The FDA has just stopped short of black boxing 11 anti-seizure medications claiming that they increase the risk of suicidal ideation. They instead chose to include warnings and send information to all doctors about the potential risks. I think that more than a LOT our difficult children take these medications! I guess just...
  20. J

    Prozac.....any thoughts?

    Hi! New physdoc prescribed prozac to difficult child today. She has major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, social anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), some minor tics, sleep issues, manic issues, adhd........... anyhow, we sat down and were trying to figure out (yup another dr. who looks to me for answers, why i just...