

New Member
LOL..... when difficult child made a comment the other day when she looked at my face i laughed. She said mom it's time to take care of yourself!! LOL

In dim lighting i'll be just fine. one's a little thinner than the other but it's all good. it's very bad when difficult child's sleeping the things i get into.

hey maybe tmrw nite everyone can help me cut my hair!! LOL

She's right i should just go to supercuts. :)


Active Member
So now we know why you were given your special difficult child. It was to keep yourself safe from your high maintenance plans.

Aren't you suppose to be wrapping gifts while the girls sleep?

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
In beauty/modeling school, many many moons ago, they said to never pluck from the top, as that is the natural outline of your face.

Just get the few lower strays to clean up the area just above your eye.

Next, take a very thin something or other, such as a skewer. You want to line up the outer most part of your nose with the innermost part of your eye - anything in between that area of your eyes needs to go - no unibrows, but you don't want to pluck too widely or it will make your eyes look wierd.

Then you measure from the outermost part of your nose to the outermost part of your eye and again, anything past that should be plucked.

That should make things all cleaned up without taking too much off.

That said, IMVHO, I really think it's worth the $10 to go get it waxed off every few weeks and just do maintenance in between.


Spork Queen
Eyebrows? I haven't seen them in me in 20+ years. I would kill to be plucking or having someone else do it. I follow my mother exactly. She has none either. So I have to figure out how to have SOMETHING up there to at least normal without looking like a makeup queen, and I hate makeup.


Stella Johnson

Active Member
I'm not good at tweezing either. Can't stand the pain, don't have the patience, and never like the way it looks when I do it.
I get them waxed on my way home from work every 2 weeks. Takes them literally about 5 minutes and the pain is over in one whack instead of little hairs being constantly pulled.

DO NOT try the new string stuff they do. I tried it once. They take these tiny strings and pull them out one by one. It's torture. Pure torture. I have a friend who swears by it. She breaks out from wax. I let her talk me into it once and that's all it took.

Good luck!


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
On last thing on the waxing. If you're prone to breaking out it is likely because of two things. The first is that the wax being used has been used too many times and isn't clean any longer (I know, gross, but often true). And second, you're touching the waxed area.

I tend to have a break out after a waxing so what I do is I ask the technician for a cotton ball with alcohol. This cleans the area - burns ever so slightly, but not bad. Then I reapply my makeup. That keeps me from touching my face. Also, make sure you go to a clean salon; often the cheapest is cheap for a reason. Ew.


Active Member
You should see my Dad's eyebrows.....Can anyone say Andy Rooney? Or Father Time? He's all grey/white and he's got these bushy things coming out of the side of his face, by his ears....most people call them sideburns....I call them bushes. Gosh, if he grows a beard, he could pass for Dumbledore.

You look good Jen. At least they aren't white bushes!


New Member
Wait my brother has a unibrow!!! I'll have to take pics of my brother on xmas and post them!! LOL. its wild what his eyebrows look like.