Kanga Update


Active Member

If we can get one more renewel out of the grant and get her to 18, I will be eternally grateful. The way the state has it set up now is that KANGA has to apply for renewels once she turns 18. husband and I are detaching from her significantly. husband hasn't spoken to her in over 5 weeks. And I have had only spoken to her during 1 family therapy session during that time. We're currently arguing about who has to visit her in November. I think he should cause (1) I deal with all the koi about her and have for years (2) he is more comfortable doing that long drive. To be honest, I'm not sure I will ever see her again.


JJJ, I'm sure I sound like a broken record. What makes me so sad about this situation is that I feel most people would have disrupted the adoption. While she had to be out of your home, you guys didn't, and continued to try to help her all these years. I just hope some way, some how, she some day is able to understand what you truly did for her. Because it impresses me every time you post.
