Newbie with the word 'Stupid' written on forehead



I don't think it is stupid. We all want to believe the best in our children and are often completely blind-sided when we find the ugly truth.

difficult child used to confess stuff to me, too, and she would say it so matter of factly that I always figured she was telling me to get a reaction. For the shock value. Yet, she lied about the smallest, dumbest things that I couldn't believe anything she told me anyway. It was when I cleaned out her room after she had run away and I was reading all of the notes from her friends around her room. Then I learned the drugs she was doing and selling. The shenanigans they were pulling. All that time I thought she was going to the high school football games to socialize and have fun. Socialize, yes, because she used it as a great place to sell pills. Bad memories....