OMG Weeping with Joy Literally - my best post in 11 years on CD boards!


New Member
That is so sweet, and your such a good person you really are. She'll benefit so much i'm sure from getting time with you over the holidays!!



Active Member
Yes finally Star :) I'd have asked her mother to send her by bus at my expense long ago had I realized how quick she'd jump at the opportunity !

One status message on my sis's FB had said "Christmas is coming yay! The 27th will be even better than Christmas". Now how is that for a statement to warm a big sisters heart???

I'm so looking forward to the visit in its entirety yet really looking forward to New Year's eve. easy child won't be here the day before, so Josie is going to help me make all of the food and trays for my family party. And I look forward to feeling my family is actually all together, complete, at the party.

My aunt seemed quite reserved and a bit cool when I spoke with her and told her J was coming. Finally it bothered me enough that I asked if something was wrong. She said she's happy for me yet is concerned that my heart will be broken if down the line J's mother doesn't allow her to return to visit, or if somehow my father legally is allowed near J again and uses that to prevent contact between her and I. I am aware that life doesn't always work out and gosh knows I've had my fair share of disappointment and heartache through the years. I understand where she is coming from, she's concerned long term on what might happen to me emotionally if something occurs to stop me contacting my sister. I told her that of course something could happen, but if I didn't take the chance when I could and then the opportunity was gone down the line, I'd have such regret. I have to choose to just live in the "now" and permit myself to enjoy every second I can with her. To worry about unknowns that may never occur is doing myself a injustice by diminishing my ability to just embrace this wonderful gift, does that make sense?