What made us try JMT? Desperation!
We did the diet thing for 18 months before we discovered NAET, an acupressure treatment that eliminates one allergen at a time. After each visit, my son could eat one of his allergens again with no reaction. But soon spring season started and he started raging again - and the practitioner discovered he had environmental allergens that also needed to get treated.
Since NAET treats just one allergen at a time and you can only get one treatment every 3-4 days, it was taking a loooonnng time to get through his list of allergies. Some pollens took multiple treatments. We were spending 1.5 - 3 hours every week driving to/from visits plys the 20 minute treatment. Thankfully this practitioner only charged $40/visit for a child and our insurance covered covered 80% once we hit our out of pocket max (which didn't take long!).
About 9 months later we started seeing a doctor 1.5 hours away in another state who treated allergies with a modified NAET technique called NEAT (natural elimination of allergy treatment), where he can desensitize you to whatever foods you're allergic to in one visit. Plus, he added some new homeopathic treatments that we've never tried before ("New England Mix" for tree, pollen, etc. and "North Atlantic Mold Mix" by Dolisos. He also gave us the "Isopathic Phenolic Rings" remedy by Energetix which "assists in the homeopathic support of food, environmental, and neurotransmitter and hormonal sensitivities").
The NEAT treatments were a big help because he cleared my son of so many remaining allergens in one visit. The cost was more for the visit, but saved money in the long run. A year later we went back again for another session (the NAET and NEAT treatments don't hold forever) and the doctor had just gotten back from a conference on pain management. He told us about some conversations he had with doctors who had just discovered a new treatment called Advanced JMT, which was being used to treat arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, and more. Our doctor was so impressed that he planned to get trained in it the following year - but in the mena time suggested that we look into seeing if we could find a practitioner in our area.
I found only a few trained people in our state - the closest about 45 minutes away. We gave it a try and really liked the practitioner and the results. Allergies that my son had supposedly been cleared of using NAET and NEAT but still seemed to be a problem for him, though he didn't test allergic using the NAET protocol, were showing up as allergens using the JMT protocol... because JMT tests and treats on more levels than NAET.
It was frustrating to feel like we had to start all over again -- but I had to keep reminding myself that mnay of the foods he was treated for weren't allergens anymore, it was mostly just the environmental ones that he seemed to be reacting to on multiple levels. It wasn't really starting from scratch again.
The JMT protocol works really well for my son. Most of his treatments have really held well, and we only go for allergy checks a few times a year... but a year ago another practitioner one town over got trained and we started seeing her instead. She's a chiropractor, energy healer (a medical intuitive too), and Advanced JMT practitioner. My children LOVE visits with her. We used to go at least once or twice a month, but now we go every 6-8 weeks for energy tune-ups. Every once in a while she needs to do a JMT treatment on my son, but not very often.
Recently he reacted to my daughter's new guinea pigs. We brought in some of their fur, food and bedding. He tested positive, she treated him with JMT, and now he's fine around them. You can do the same with stuff from your vacuum cleaner, items stored in your basement (molds), etc.
As for how we figured out the water, I think it may have been our practitioner who helped figure that one out. I collected samples of water, soap, etc and brought them in. He was muscle-tested and then they could tell if he was allergic.
My son's 1st grade teacher apologized at the end of the school year. She kept a diary on each child and she said as she reviewed it for our final conference she found a pattern. With every change of season my son's behavior seriously degraded (he once marched across the desks in the classroom, and another time hid under them and growled at her!). She noted when she told me and recalled that my reaction was usually what she considered some excuse about an allergy and that I would get him tested and treated. His behavior would improve - and she knew this because she didn't note poor behavior in the diary - her comments were about other things.
She was amazed that he really was that sensitive and that we were able to find a treatment to help him. She was sorry that she had spent time during the year thinking we were parents who wouldn't make our son take responsibility for his behavior.. when in reality we were - we were seeking help for him so he was capable of not being impulsive and capable of listening and behaving... and he really was allergic to things that caused him to have ODD.
This site was the first place I ever felt supported with my son (besides my husband) and it's the site that helped give me information, education, and ammunition to get my son tested for allergies. It's why I come back to help others even though he's been mostly just a spirited easy child for the past few years. I'm so grateful for the advice I received, now it's my turn to help.
Geesh - I'm long winded today! Sorry!
Take care,
Waldorf Mom