Aly is in such a good place!

Hi family,

Haven't done an update on our Miss Aly for a while. Since the drama of my hospitalization has calmed down, Aly is doing so well. I know, I shouldn't be typing this, the whole "as soon as I say she's doing good...BOOOOM!"

On her 2nd trimester report card the teacher had the nicest things to say about how hard Aly is trying both academically and socially. She got "O"'s (outstanding) on all citizenship areas and has improved 2 grade levels in reading! Math is still super hard for her, they are working on Life Skills math only with her, mainly addition, subtraction, simple multiplication with a times table for a guide, and money. She is just not getting the concept of money and we work on this all the time at home as well. Time is another area of difficulty for her, she searches out a digital clock, cannot read a face clock to save her life and also has trouble with reading the numbers on a digital clock. An hour, minute, half hour, mean nothing to her.

We had our first big weekend outing since my surgery, this past weekend. On Friday afternoon, I took her to get her hair put into braids (extensions). She looks so beautiful! Then we went to Jayme's siblings adoptive home and spent the weekend on their farm. Nothing but running free and "playing" with the horses. When I asked her her favorite part of the weekend it was "when I mucked the stalls Mom! I loved making them clean for the horses!" Boy, she's popular with her "uncle" now! LOL!! And, she got to ride her favorite pony to her heart's content. She had a little unfortunate fall off of one of the tiny motorcycles (crotch rockets). She really shouldn't have even tried it but all the "big kids" were getting to and since she is so tall, she kinda gets clumped in with them all the time. She is sore, got the wind knocked out of her, it pretty scratched up, but was more scared than anything!

I cannot tell you how being out there at the farm puts her in such a good place and makes me so happy for her! We plan on going every 2 weeks or so, and will eventually get her her own pony to keep there. She has such a love of animals and they of her. She is not afraid of picking the horses hoofs or brushing them out or anything like that.

Anyways, sorry, didn't mean to make this a book! I am just so happy to post something great for once! I hope this gives others who are struggling right now a tiny bit of hope that things can and DO get better. Even if this is just for a short time, I will take it!!



New Member
Thanks for such a great, positive post.

Sounds like you are all in a great place right now and I couldn't be happier for you!! ENJOY!!! :smile:

PS: The farm sounds amazing - well, maybe except for the mucking - lol!


Well-Known Member
Vicki, that's wonderful!
I love horses, too, so that makes it doubly wonderful for me to read!
Our difficult child had problems with-clocks and calendars and money, too. Once he got it, it just clicked. But he didn't "get it" until last yr... when he was 9. I was at least as frustrated as he was! We took him to Sylvan Learning Center and it really helped.
I tried bribing him with-money, eg. "If you can count out the change from the dollar, you can buy this [junky toy] AND keep the change." But when that didn't work I knew we had a problem. Thank heaven for tutoring. I was out of change AND patience!

Good luck and thanks for the beautiful note.


No real answers to life..
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'>Thanks for the great report of what's happening. You sound good after your surgery and Aly must be thriving from the <span style="color: #3366FF">farm air</span>. Take care of yourself and keep us posted.....</span>


New Member
Oh Vickie, that is just so wonderful!

I truly think our environment has made a big impact on my boys. I love the farm life. Glad she's doing so well, good for you all!



Well-Known Member

so glad to hear Miss Aly is doing well. Sounds as if the responsibility and the fun of a horse are equally shared - now if I could just get mine to feed the blasted dog!!!!!


Stella Johnson

Active Member
WOW! :bravo: So happy to hear she is doing so well.

I know what you mean about the time thing. My difficult child still doesn't get it. We have been trying for years. She also doesn't understand spans of time, week, month, hour, etc. I'm sure this goes along with not being able to tell time.

My difficult child did well with horses as well. She went to a Special Kid's camp that had horses. It was her favorite part.

Give her a big hug for us.

Steph :princess:

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Glad to hear things are going so well. :bravo:This was a great post to read-I hope things continue :princess: