I agree with you completely! If you're a prude, then so am I! What could these women possibly be thinking? What they were doing is completely illegal! And a foster parent here who was caught doing something like this would be out of "the system" so fast, their heads would be spinning, and their own children could be taken away if this were discovered!
I don't know if it has anything to do with being a single parent though. I was a single parent for years, raising a teenage boy on my own, and I NEVER would have done something like this. My fine, upstanding brother though started offering my son alcohol from the time he was about 14, which infuriated me! We have many, many alcoholics on both sides of the family, including my son's father who has a very serious alcohol problem! My brother never seemed to get the message though, no matter how upset I got. He thought he was doing my son a favor ... he saw it as treating him like an "adult"!
This sounds more to me like one of those parents who is so anxious for their children to like them and to think they are "cool" parents, so determined to be their childs' "friend", that they lose track of their better judgement! These ditzy people have no clue that their kids don't need a forty year old "friend"! They HAVE friends ... what they need are PARENTS who will exercise mature, responsible, adult judgement when it's called for ... not someone who turns themselves into a real horses' patoot by trying to party with the 17 year olds so they will LIKE them and be known as the "cool" parent!
There was a story on TV recently about a couple who were charged with murder after one of their teenage children had a party! The parents were home, the kids were drinking, and one guest who left and was driving drunk caused an accident in which the other driver, also a teenager, was killed.