I really need to change my signature--my easy child and difficult child have switched roles now! Anyway, my 15 yr old easy child is in 10th grade and has recently been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. She is on a 504 plan at school (based on misdiagnosis of ADHD) and we had a meeting last week to try to help her as she has all F's and D's on her 1st quarter report card. After talking with her and observing her this past week I really think she cannot do the schoolwork right now--she is overwhelmed and her emotional life is so hard for her to cope with that she just can't focus on school (also may be dealing with colitis). Her idea is that I pull her from school for a while and allow her to do more frequent and intense therapy with her therapist. I actually think this makes sense and have a call in to her therapist. However, I don't know how we would handle the school component--I mean I can't just legally pull her out. Her older sister had tutoring by the school for awhile but she was classified spec. ed for emotionally disturbed and she was suspended from school at the time! She was waiting to go to an Residential Treatment Center (RTC).
I have a call in to the school psychologist, whom I was very impressed with at the 504 meeting--maybe she has some ideas. My gut feeling is that easy child needs a break from the school setting. I cannot home school her--I work fulltime plus I think it would be a disaster since I have no patience for that kind of thing. What about online schools--any info on them?
Any ideas much appreciated--thanks!
I really need to change my signature--my easy child and difficult child have switched roles now! Anyway, my 15 yr old easy child is in 10th grade and has recently been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. She is on a 504 plan at school (based on misdiagnosis of ADHD) and we had a meeting last week to try to help her as she has all F's and D's on her 1st quarter report card. After talking with her and observing her this past week I really think she cannot do the schoolwork right now--she is overwhelmed and her emotional life is so hard for her to cope with that she just can't focus on school (also may be dealing with colitis). Her idea is that I pull her from school for a while and allow her to do more frequent and intense therapy with her therapist. I actually think this makes sense and have a call in to her therapist. However, I don't know how we would handle the school component--I mean I can't just legally pull her out. Her older sister had tutoring by the school for awhile but she was classified spec. ed for emotionally disturbed and she was suspended from school at the time! She was waiting to go to an Residential Treatment Center (RTC).
I have a call in to the school psychologist, whom I was very impressed with at the 504 meeting--maybe she has some ideas. My gut feeling is that easy child needs a break from the school setting. I cannot home school her--I work fulltime plus I think it would be a disaster since I have no patience for that kind of thing. What about online schools--any info on them?
Any ideas much appreciated--thanks!