Well-Known Member
difficult child does 90% of his homework completely on his own and is going
very well. Extended projects, however, are his downfall. He
has the Aspergers thing of perceiving things differently plus he
wants accolades and recognition for being unique.
He is doing a research paper. He had three topics to choose from: Rosa Parks et al, the Holocaust (using a book the class
has read) or a comparitive report on the governmental form in the
days of Rome (using Julius Caesar which he has not studied) and
American government.
Care to guess which one he choose?
Can anyone help me get on the right page so I can guide him on this weirdo subject choice????????
No...he won't change the topic. He ended up having a minor fit
last night because I suggested it. "I"M NOT DUMB, MOM"
I don't remember any Democracy in Shakespear. I think I've heard
a Law of Twelve Tables in Roman.
I'll send a cyber flower to anyone who can help me!
very well. Extended projects, however, are his downfall. He
has the Aspergers thing of perceiving things differently plus he
wants accolades and recognition for being unique.
He is doing a research paper. He had three topics to choose from: Rosa Parks et al, the Holocaust (using a book the class
has read) or a comparitive report on the governmental form in the
days of Rome (using Julius Caesar which he has not studied) and
American government.
Care to guess which one he choose?
Can anyone help me get on the right page so I can guide him on this weirdo subject choice????????
No...he won't change the topic. He ended up having a minor fit
last night because I suggested it. "I"M NOT DUMB, MOM"
I don't remember any Democracy in Shakespear. I think I've heard
a Law of Twelve Tables in Roman.
I'll send a cyber flower to anyone who can help me!