Cheryl1b - please read!

Please supply links that you refered to on this post!! I am VERY interested and have appts all week regarding these issues!!! '

I would really push your sons doctor to run immune/viral panels. With all the research coming out on autoimmunity in Tourettes,etc. The link with viruses in bi-polar,and childhood onset schizophrenia(COS), and the gastrointestinal problems in autism spectrum.(the NIMH considered children with COS under 7yrs as autistic)
If you don't have the links for all of the research, let me know. I would definitely print out alot of the info and take it to your doctor. If this is what your son is dealing with, the medications they are using are not going to stop him from ending up with permanent damage. I'm not trying to scare you. But to make you aware that when he goes through maturation 13-18yo,(IF he has this disease process) it is being documented at the NIMH that they are losing brain volume. This is not reversible, it is permanent damage.

Rusty is 10, ADHD,ODD, Tourettes - tics and RAGE seizures, Gastro issues, Bi-Polar, Intermittant Explosive Disorder, possible Schizophrenia &/or Psychosis, currently on Risperdal Wellbutrin,Depakote and Tegretol. Currently in a public school in a Self Contained Classroom (NOT WORKING!). Little brother Michael is 5, easy child *but* copies EVERYTHING Rusty does. New baby sister 3/22/99 - easy child so far!!!!


Rusty is 10, ADHD,ODD, Tourettes - tics and RAGE seizures, Gastro issues, Bi-Polar, Intermittant Explosive Disorder, possible Schizophrenia &/or Psychosis, currently on Risperdal Wellbutrin,Depakote and Tegretol. Currently in a public school in a Self Contained Classroom (NOT WORKING!). Little brother Michael is 5, easy child *but* copies EVERYTHING Rusty does. New baby sister 3/22/99 - easy child so far!!!!

Rusty's mom, I am interested in learning about what you are talking about, because I, too have seen alot of research connecting all of this information.



I gathered up what I could find. I'll try to add anything else that I come across. Compulsive Disorder (OCD)-80
Frontal and Temporal Lobe Dysfunction in Autism, Adhd, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) available at

I hope that will help you get started. Dr. Goldbergs site is supposed to be adding info on the labwork. There is an area for doctors only, info under whats new. Your doctor could get more specific info directly from Dr. G.

I hope that helps, I guess reading about your son really hit me. Our boys are the same age. I know how much my son has suffered in the past.

I have a link that may help some too. Ever hear of the stanley Lab? They have been doing research on the virus connection for quite some time now.
Heres there site

And.. Im gonna see about archiving this too, cuz I want to do all the research I can on it!!! (so it will end up in the natural treatments archives later)

ODD/BIPOLAR/ADD Girl 7 yrs old
Off All medications - On vitamin therapy,

Fav. Funny quote-"Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably
still be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement."
- Snoopy
With Out GOD, my life would fall apart!!!!!

This post has been moved to the Natural Treatments forum at Dogchopper's request. Please check there for more information on this very interesting topic. Besides Nancy (Dogchopper) is lonely.
