Flutter - where do you get


the antibiotic for your rats? All I can think of is the feedstore, but that's for large animals...

I am not sure I am going to be able to force rat's medicine the next few days, something in her water would be much easier...


I wonder if they'll give it without taking her in, tho? I'll see if husband will check in the morning. Otherwise, he can forcefully medicate the rat. lol That will make him happy.


Well-Known Member
The local people-pharmacy is the source for at least 50% of doggie medications here... gravol, for example. Deworming and other "dog" or "animal" specific stuff comes direct from vet. But... antibiotics? Ask the local pharmacy if they know who does this.


Here, too. My previous dogs both died of CHF when they were 13-15. They took people medications. I'll see if hubby can handle this one.


Fly away!
It says on the bag that it's for use in drinking water for swine, calves and poultry, so I bet you can find it at the large animal feed store, too. It's a yellow powder.

It will make the water bottle get moldy, so after about a week, you'll have to bleach the bottle. I just put in a couple ounces of bleach, fill it the rest of the way with hot water and let it set for about 10 minutes - then rinse the hell out of it. I haven't had to scrub the bottle. And don't put it in the dishwasher - unless it's a glass bottle, they don't hold up so well.


Well-Known Member
We use an agri supply company for chicken stuff so I would imagine you could do the same for rats. They sell bags of tetracycline. Heck, when I didnt have insurance I was putting the stuff in empty tylenol capsules!