New Member
I am seeeing a doctor and a pscy doctor I havee the support of my husband,
I xant sleep
I had cortisone adnCymbslta along with UQinwe for leg crapms and Amyltyptlinnne fot leg ctamps
All erter precribed and I tolld them they way it ws ordered
A few days af\go I lost it shouted shouting obsenities at every one, go t in an empty bath tun, sucked my thnb and refuesd to get out.
gfgmom toldl me shr kneone of the officers adn he said it s lie a scene from the exxprcist and if my head started tos spin he ws leavinu
[plice had to hpg yir mr, handcuffed andn sarry me screaming to the ambulance, husband laater todl me he was asked if medication scyufrnyd cvoudl obseve
They gave me haldoland eanex. I ca,e ho,e a few days ago and I walk in slow motion. To make it worse, I have asthmatic bronchitis so cant sleep ;uomg dpwm
my arm has cellu;tis, bad about 6 inches an dhurt liek the dikens. OI use hot [acls,, see the doctor on friday and if not beeter will have it lanced,
Please pary for me., I have never beens o scared in my life. With the wxnes, everything is in sllow moting, and i cant do anything.
I xant sleep
I had cortisone adnCymbslta along with UQinwe for leg crapms and Amyltyptlinnne fot leg ctamps
All erter precribed and I tolld them they way it ws ordered
A few days af\go I lost it shouted shouting obsenities at every one, go t in an empty bath tun, sucked my thnb and refuesd to get out.
gfgmom toldl me shr kneone of the officers adn he said it s lie a scene from the exxprcist and if my head started tos spin he ws leavinu
[plice had to hpg yir mr, handcuffed andn sarry me screaming to the ambulance, husband laater todl me he was asked if medication scyufrnyd cvoudl obseve
They gave me haldoland eanex. I ca,e ho,e a few days ago and I walk in slow motion. To make it worse, I have asthmatic bronchitis so cant sleep ;uomg dpwm
my arm has cellu;tis, bad about 6 inches an dhurt liek the dikens. OI use hot [acls,, see the doctor on friday and if not beeter will have it lanced,
Please pary for me., I have never beens o scared in my life. With the wxnes, everything is in sllow moting, and i cant do anything.