Getting my license today!!!


Well-Known Member
After six long months of waiting, I am finally getting my license back today. I am so excited! I know that six months doesn't really sound like a long time, but it feels like an eternity when you can't drive. NO more depending on my mother or my boyfriend to take me grocery shopping or doctor's appointments, etc. My mom is ALWAYS late and she has made me late for psychiatrist appointments, church, etc. I hated having to depend on her to take me somewhere. Now I can drive on weekends and we are not stuck at the house anymore. I don't have to have anxiety attacks about taking my kids to school. No more paranoia about being caught and sent to jail for ten days. I can finally put this whole entire DUI nonsense behind me. I am soooooo happy!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations. How great that it is right before the weekend and the upcoming holidays! DDD


Well-Known Member
Yes I am super grateful I have it back for the holidays. No more counting on mom and having her make me late to everything! I am doing the happy dance...