New Member
I'm sure this will resonate with many of you.
15 year old freshman son, diagnosed as ADHD at age of 8. Smart, has been in honors classes.
Fast forward 7 years, during which he had became more defiant and beyond difficult.
Is on Focalin which settles him down. Has a booster to take in the evenings. When he is on medications, the family can tolerate him. But in that hour in the morning before school and before the medications kick in, he is awful. Same thing in the evening when the booster wears off.
Just this past month
moved a family heirloom statue and shot bb's at it in the house
throws knives at walls and ceilings. Find them sticking in the wall.
took my candle lighter and busted it to pieces
took his brothers xbox headset apart to take a microphone piece he wanted, denies the whole thing
has put numerous holes in our walls, I refuse to patch them until he is gone,
craves grafiti on our tractor, on our walls, and on furniture
continues to steal food and eat excessively (has gained 150 lbs in 4 years, not diabetic no thryoid problems)
doesn't do homework, has an f for the first time (actually 3 of them)
obsessed with guitars and music
doesn't care about his hygiene, doesn't shower unless I nag him. (Then I have to shut off the water heater to get him out)
curses all day long
called me a
at least 20 times in the hour before school (I shut his phone off)
I'm sure I've forgotten half of it.
He did get a concussion in mid November during wrestling practice. His Psychiatrist recommended some testing. He spent 4 solid hours taking tests yesterday. Looking forward to having the results in 2 weeks. Am also taking him back for diabetic and thyroid testing (it's been a year or more) Will ask his Dr to drug test him.
I think I'm going to have to find another therapist. Therapist said it was hormones a few years ago and that he would grow out of it. (he is much, much, worse)
Spring Break is coming in 10 days. I will not let him have his way or back down. If I stand up to him at all, things get broken. The plan is to call the cops and get him get some concentrated therapy at a center during spring break. If he gets physically threatening, I will report him as a child in need of supervision and that me, husband, and little brother are in fear of him hurting us.
As all of you, I just wonder why. Why does he fight so, with us and with himself? Will he ever grow out of this? He doesn't think he does anything wrong. Until he accepts the way he acts is wrong and wants to change, he will never move forward. So we are stuck here. He won't follow our rules now at 15. I can see us kicking him out at 18.
whew, feels better to get that all out there. I did forget to add his Dad has pretty much checked out with him. Husband is paralyzed and our son does not respect him at all.
Wishes I could find him a mentor that he might listen to. I think to medieval times where Lords fostered their sons elsewhere. I can see why, as he won't listen.
15 year old freshman son, diagnosed as ADHD at age of 8. Smart, has been in honors classes.
Fast forward 7 years, during which he had became more defiant and beyond difficult.
Is on Focalin which settles him down. Has a booster to take in the evenings. When he is on medications, the family can tolerate him. But in that hour in the morning before school and before the medications kick in, he is awful. Same thing in the evening when the booster wears off.
Just this past month
moved a family heirloom statue and shot bb's at it in the house
throws knives at walls and ceilings. Find them sticking in the wall.
took my candle lighter and busted it to pieces
took his brothers xbox headset apart to take a microphone piece he wanted, denies the whole thing
has put numerous holes in our walls, I refuse to patch them until he is gone,
craves grafiti on our tractor, on our walls, and on furniture
continues to steal food and eat excessively (has gained 150 lbs in 4 years, not diabetic no thryoid problems)
doesn't do homework, has an f for the first time (actually 3 of them)
obsessed with guitars and music
doesn't care about his hygiene, doesn't shower unless I nag him. (Then I have to shut off the water heater to get him out)
curses all day long
called me a

I'm sure I've forgotten half of it.
He did get a concussion in mid November during wrestling practice. His Psychiatrist recommended some testing. He spent 4 solid hours taking tests yesterday. Looking forward to having the results in 2 weeks. Am also taking him back for diabetic and thyroid testing (it's been a year or more) Will ask his Dr to drug test him.
I think I'm going to have to find another therapist. Therapist said it was hormones a few years ago and that he would grow out of it. (he is much, much, worse)
Spring Break is coming in 10 days. I will not let him have his way or back down. If I stand up to him at all, things get broken. The plan is to call the cops and get him get some concentrated therapy at a center during spring break. If he gets physically threatening, I will report him as a child in need of supervision and that me, husband, and little brother are in fear of him hurting us.
As all of you, I just wonder why. Why does he fight so, with us and with himself? Will he ever grow out of this? He doesn't think he does anything wrong. Until he accepts the way he acts is wrong and wants to change, he will never move forward. So we are stuck here. He won't follow our rules now at 15. I can see us kicking him out at 18.
whew, feels better to get that all out there. I did forget to add his Dad has pretty much checked out with him. Husband is paralyzed and our son does not respect him at all.
Wishes I could find him a mentor that he might listen to. I think to medieval times where Lords fostered their sons elsewhere. I can see why, as he won't listen.