I hope you can get some sleep Linda. Sorry to hear about kt's anxiety - I don't know how you manage it, but here I've found I just have to live with it, dealing with difficult child 3 as each problem hits. Reassurance and talking it through, we can't continue with anything while he's fretting.
We're in the downhill run before our holiday. difficult child 3 is beavering away at his schoolwork, doing a lot of work at the moment. I'm trying to get more work from his teachers but the only one who has sent me more is his English teacher, who had already said to get difficult child 3 to write a diary of the trip, as his work. We've already got his Science work, some extra bits arrived today. There is enough German to go on with. But other subjects - nada.
I popped out briefly this morning to put a big envelope of completed schoolwork in the mail - and that's when another of his teachers rang! I rang back as soon as I got home, but still haven't connected. This is the main frustration with this type of schooling - all in all, it's far preferable to mainstream attendance.
I talked to husband - we've got some errands to run on Friday, I have to see the neurologist for some last-minute middle-ear tweaking, so if the work hasn't come in by Friday morning's mail, we're driving into the city to visit the school and physically collect what we can. I'll be ringing them in the morning (Wednesday) to tell them this, if it hasn't come by 11 am.
And somewhere in this I'll have to pack! Tomorrow we do washing for the last time before we leave, plus last-minute cooking of freezer supplies for those staying (difficult child 1 & girlfriend, sometimes; easy child 2/difficult child 2 & BF2, the whole time). I have to make a list of chores - chooks to feed, budgies to care for, plants to water. House rules - I just don't want to be worrying. Trying to keep difficult child 3 calm in a volcanic country is going to be purgatory enough. He's phobic about volcanoes - I'm hoping this trip cures him. Plus his science teacher has given him some work to do on volcanoes and continental drift to do, so hopefully the cure is also going to include education.
Someone asked me to post itinerary on Watercooler - I'll do this. I just didn't want to bore you all too soon.
Enjoy your Tuesday.