Forgiveness has nothing to do with the person who hurt you. The bad things that happen to so many of us ARE wrong.
In my opinion, they should never be forgiven.
Forgiving ourselves though, for having been seen as someone who could be victimized as you (or I) may have been victimized ~ that is what healing forgiveness is about.
Forgiving ourselves for ever believing the things our abusers taught us about ourselves, and forgiving ourselves for having been someone so devalued as to have been the object of abuse ~ those are the things we need to concentrate on. You will never be able to forgive the abuser because, fortunately, you will never be able to condone what they did, let alone admire them for it.
Until you can see so clearly that these things should NEVER have happened to you ~ or to anyone ~ you will not be able to let it go. We cannot let go ~ forgive and forget, as those who have never been hurt so deeply so blithely suggest ~ because what happened WAS wrong.
So, I say that is the key.
We need to go beyond who the abuser taught us we were. We need to find that child, or that young man or woman who was hurt, and we need to teach both them and ourselves that the badness had nothing to do with us.
The abuser would have abused anyone who came under their power BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT ABUSERS DO.
Had it not been for our proximity to the abuser, the abuse would never have happened.
To us.
But it would have happened, and in exactly the same way, to someone else.
And they would be the one struggling with how to learn to forgive, today.
And you would be the one not understanding.
But it is you, and it is me, and we can do it.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with us that these things happened.
There was something wrong with the abuser.
We had the misfortune to have been born to an abuser, or to have been snagged by an abuser as a child or young adult.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with us.
If we persist in believing the things that happened to us were somehow justified?
Then the abuser wins.
Forgive yourself for having been victimized. Label the abuser for who they are and what they did. If you cannot imagine how that could be, then envision how a wonderful mother might have helped you. Once you have been able to do this, you will recognize your own abuser as an opportunistic bully.
There is nothing respectable about an opportunistic, bullying coward.
You need never have believed a word they said.
You were innocent and did not know any different than the reality she presented you with. I would venture to say that if the mother focused her twisted hatred on you and your children, it was because you, of all the children, had the courage to defy her.
Take that same courage now, and go in there and rescue your little girl self from the things your abuser taught you were true about yourself.
Those belief systems you grew up with were the twisted justifications of a bullying coward.
People who are not cowards do not abuse children or animals.
It sounds to me like you stood up to your mother on some level. Called a spade a spade, and she could not stand that in you.
I say, applaud that courageous, honest part of yourself.
You must be incredibly strong.
Many abused children never get to the point of wondering why they cannot forgive it, because they have never had the courage to question the all-powerful mommy image.
Or, they let another sibling be the "bad" one, because it makes it easier to justify having survived watching a sibling be abused by a parent who could, just as easily, switch those abusive tendencies to you.
Your family of origin may have taught you to hate yourself so that they all could survive, so that no one would rock the boat.
You get to stop doing that now, if you like.
But you have to decide to undo the old messages, the old "true things" you know about yourself.
And you have to decide that you will learn to cherish, and hold yourself safe now, whatever has gone before.
Once you do that?
You may regret the situation in your family of origin, but it will not have the power over you that it does, now.
Wishing well.
You absolutely can do this.
I suggest The Secret as well. I have not seen the movie, but am reading the book, now. Also, The Artist's Way at Work (Julia Cameron). The Dance of Women's Spirituality (Maria Harris). The I Ching and even, The New Testament, which is all about choosing the power implicit to love instead of the negativity of hatred, jealousy, vengeance or greed.
You are getting better already, or you would not have these questions, now.
It will get better, from here.