Going Green
who aren't around your difficult child enough to know what's going on? My cousin invited us to a small Memorial Day cook out. We normally only see her at reunions when difficult child is occupied and not showing his "lovelier" side. I would love to go as a family and see her and her family but I just never know how difficult child will act at things like this. It's not that he blows up or rages but if he decides that HE'S bored then it's TIME TO GO. Or we could get the perfect gentleman, charming everyone in a five mile radius. Or we could get the completely inappropriate jokes/comments, etc. or the "exploring" of their house and belongings or....well, you all know what I mean. I sent her an email saying that I wasn't sure what our work schedules are (husband works retail hours and I have no desire for this to be just me and difficult child) and gave her a quick difficult child explanation. (Never know what behaviors, his own set of rules...blah blah blah) She and I have talked about him over the years and she knows there are issues, I guess I'm just worried about the difference between hearing about a difficult child and actually experiencing one. (Also, they live 2 hours away and I would hate to drive down there and get a relatively quick appearance of the aforementioned lovely side of difficult child and have to turn right around and come home.)
How do you guys handle these types of things?
How do you guys handle these types of things?