I wish I could learn to fall asleep.


Well-Known Member
No REM sleep for me, either. Why on earth would you go to school for 12 years to be a sleep doctor that tells people "Just close your eyes and go to sleep." HUH? As though Apnea can be the only possible reason for not sleeping or feeling rested. If that's the case, there should only be ENT doctors. At least when you have Apnea, you are asleep, for crying out loud! There must be some reason that I, and others like me, wake up every time we start to go into REM. Not to mention the part where we lay there for 2 - 3 hours thinking of everything from dinner to our second grade teacher. Then, we can talk about the dream where we are trying to fall asleep, and we wake up and wonder whether struggling with trying to fall asleep is more enjoyable when you are awake or asleep?


New Member
Witz, I am a sleep apnea patient who even with a machine could not sleep due to insominia. I tried all the perscription sleep medications on the market. Nothing worked. So I went natural. For about 15 bucks you can buy a brain wave entrainment sleep CD either on Ebay or at Amazon. It sends out subliminal pulses that lull you to sleep. I used this along with Reiki, Lavendar spray on my linens, Epsom salt baths, magnesium supplaments and time released melatonin. I sleep very well now and my health and energy levels is improving as a result. Sometimes it is a combination of things that works not any one thing. There is a support sight called Talkaboutsleep.com and also Cpaptalk.com where many good people will have many good ideas to help you I suggest you check them out. It was there that I found out that good sleep hygiene is essential. You need to stick to a sleep schedule and a routine. Also computer work or TV at night are not good because the bright screen will pervent you from releasing the proper harmones in the proper amounts to insure a restful sleep. You should shut off these devices at least two hours prior to bed and either read or do repitious crafts such as knitting or needlepoint or just do yoga or meditate.
Hope that helps. _RM


Mom? What's a difficult child?
I have tried it all.. I think?
I have found that reading, tea, sound machine ( I like the waves crashing with the birds) and Trazadone!!! actually gets me to sleep through the night... so far.

I did melotonin, trytophan, valerian, workout, yoga... they all help. But I wake up or could not stay alseep or go to sleep.

I did Klonopin, Lunesta, Ambien... (Lunesta gives you bad breath!)

With this combo even husband's snoring and the cat racing through the room or whipping biscuits on me doesn't wake me!!!
I am still taking the lowest does. So it is not at an AD level yet. So I have a lot of room to go up yet.
DOn't know if this would work for you, but I like it... oh and the NASCAR or Celebrity Poker.