New Member
, this will be my first post ,I was researching for my 7yr old son , and saw your post, I cried bc this is my daily life but with a little boy, he tries to break his own games if he dies during the game , hr has attavked me physically bc I told him its time fot bed and that happens every night , its started when he was 4 he would get upset and hit himself , or try bang head, but ither times he was happy pretty much normal, it started with Occupational Therapist (Occupational Therapist (OT)) found out he has senory integration issues, pediatrician said ADHD and gave him staterra ,it got worse , in kindergarden he redused to do the intake assesment ,cried yelled ranaway, in school he would be good and ok but anytime a transition would come he would get upset , refuse to do it , or run from teachers and aides even off school property (very scary) its been 2 years we have been told by pediattician lets try more atrattera tjat was horrible he started aaying he wanted to die and hayes his life , so they stopped that amd he pediatrician put him on Abilify with no diagnosis , now his school has been great though aides gettimg kicked even bit once, now after he clams he is always sorry and feels awfully guilty , but when he foes thoufh these out of contril rants he says awful tuings , we tried all kinds of punishment , spankimg, time out, taking pribilages nothing worked , he just doesnt care at all, hell say fine just kill me i deserve to die , he has awful self esteem i think due to being so intelligent he is in first grade and reads at a 5th grade level amd is excellent in math , but he is socially awkward with other children, he is very quick to embaressment or thinks any critique is a attack, we have been through play therapy with run mill counselers thatbwas a disaster , Occupational Therapist (Occupational Therapist (OT)) has been good for him, but you just never know with Lanfon when and what we will get, a lot time if he is occupied with anything and we speak he yells dont talk to me , or ya ya i knw i knw n then gets very very angry , just tje smallest things , thanks to the great school they helped us get into the CAYAC progtam to see a real child psychiatrist his has been slow going, but during this when he isnt amgry ir screamimg he is somtimes happy and fine ,but always says things like I know im terrible or a bad person or im dumb n stupid , ee of course tell him no you habe some differnces and we are truing get help so you can be in control, I have missed tons of work pickimg him up from school last month,hes only been able to go from 9 - 12:30, he just had a EEG and MRI with and without contrast , she wants him to het tesying by psychologist this coming week, however I have heard some possible diagnosis of DMDD which sounds like it fits your daughter quite well. But also ODD, Sensory Integration amd generalized anxiety amd seperation anxiety , I guess in July once have all of this testing back I will know for sure , I have only been takimg him to tons of people n places and fighting and advocating and crying amd almost loosing my mind ,bc I myself have bad anxiety and panic disorder so its been a rough long road but at least the child psychiatrist told me tobtake him off the abilify which wasnt makimg a difference except making his hungry all the time, and she does nit want to do ajy medication till we meet again amf she has her final diagnosis , its scary and you feel like you did somthing wrong or didnt do somthing enough , other kids and parents judhe you and your child even family doesnt seem ro understand he isnt just a mean baf kid , he doesnt enjoy this life , the feeling of being out of control, I felt relief in reading your post , I am not alone and either are you, I pray everyday for the strength and patience to keep fighting for him and hia future for some help and way to live without listening screaming hom throwing things , brelaing items when he makes a simple mistake, amd sometimes jusy speaking to him to get meaness and rudeness back for no reason at all other tham hey need a tubby or lets go to store or its timw for bed or no more tablet, its almost like any confrontation or transistion that isnt of his schoosimg ends with him runnimg, or hitting, threatening and even has said he wants to just die and yells at me to kill him, bc hed rather die then go to sleep its insane and no one underdtands what it is like but those of us here , I just wanted to say Thank you for sharing , I will continue to share and pray with this final diagnosis coming and enough research I can help him be the sweet loving funny boy I know him to be in his heart, nc the down times he is so sweet ,saying im the best mom ever ,he is sorry he did what he did, that he loves all of us, only after 20 mins previous he said he wished I was dead , I know the struggld and thanks for yours and everyones courage. Also I have said right along I felt Ashbergers sounded like him ,with many things with him but I must say this DMDD does sound like my boy to a T , any comments or suggestions or references to care or help please share. Im open for all the help I can get . I DID SHARE THIS IN ANOTHER THREAD , i just want any advice or help or any ideas for him, nc as a lot of you say living day n and day out like this is hell for all of us , Son 7 is the difficult child. Have also 11yr old girl healthy happy adjusted only has ADD is great on concerta , Mom (me) amd poor dad who doesnt know what to say or do and says he feels like a hostage in our home .