In-home behavior therapy - a little humor for your


Mr IHBT came yesterday, again. He was 30 minutes late, which was ok, it was a nice day. difficult child and I were outside playing.

When Mr IHBT arrived, difficult child had just found a large nest of "range eggs" - eggs the chickens laid somewhere other than the hen house. They aren't safe to eat, cause who knows how long they've been there. difficult child loves range eggs because he gets to throw them and break them. Yesterday, he got his baseball bat and I pitched and he batted while MR IHBT and I recounted the past 7 days. As I'm sure you can imagine, batting raw eggs can be a bit messy.

Before he left, Mr IHBT updated his notes, like usual, and I glanced them over to be sure they were accurate. He had written that he observed mom/son engaged in "recreational therapy" that included activities to increase/develop of eye/hand coordination, motor planning skills, and desensitization to "slimey" substances.


Shari, you are quite the Recreational Therapist! I'm sure alot of thought and planning went into this to make it such a "theraputic" activity! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Well well...I never knew all the things we did out in the country could be considered so therapeutic!

We know range eggs well. The dogs love to find those nests.


New Member
Creative charting. LOL, yes they DO have classes in school to help you do such creative charting entries. LOL
Finding a way to justify activities and a way to make some positive about just about anything. I loved that class! :)


Mom? What's a difficult child?
That is awesome!!!
If only i could work the desensitizing of the olfactory senses, in with the litter box cleaning...


Hey, Toto, maybe you can bat cat, um...., poo?

Or bat range eggs in the summer. After a month of sunshine, they get a little, um, ripe.


Active Member
LOL, I wonder what he would have written if he'd observed my difficult child in the bathroom making up one of his usual "potions".


Mom? What's a difficult child?
That is too funny... we could write a book of our own sensory therapies... we have lots of fishing ones also... difficult child also likes to "check" the wild animal skat with a stick to see what they have eaten...used to use her hands!!!


Active Member
We've got the Occupational Therapist (OT) dining out on how we strengthen difficult child 3's loose joints: we make gnocchi! It does everything for him that he would otherwise be doing using play-doh. You mix the dough (mashed potato, egg and flour). You roll it out into a snake. You cut it into 1 cm pieces with a floured knife. You flour the pieces. You press them lightly with the tines of a fork, then gently roll them off onto a non-stick tray. You then drop them into boiling salted water and let them cook for 1 minute after they float. Skim them out and eat them!

I love the way therapists 'dress up' in technical, therapeutic language what we would call, 'making a mess'.

by the way - range eggs - we don't throw them out, we test them. If they sink right to the bottom of cold fresh water, we assume they're fresh enough to eat. I DO make an effort to use them first and to break each one into a cup and give it a sniff test before I use it. In about 5% of cases, the egg is no good, but most of the time they're fine.

if the egg floats, THEN I let the kids throw them as far as they can, and wait to hear the 'pop'!

Our geriatric hens are too arthritic now to hide their nests. Plus they're old and set in their ways. We let them out mid-afternoon, when all laying should be done for the day. We did once have one broody hen who sat on a clutch of 17 eggs and hatched the lot.
