Language Issues


Parent In Training
I have been trying to find a name for something difficult child has been doing for awhile now even back before our first consult for our diagnosis. His psychiatrist took note but didn't seem as concerned as I was.

He will start out saying a sentence and has to constantly restart the sentence to get to the end. If someone interuppts him he gets very angry. Ex. "Hey Mom..." "Hey Mom I want....." "Hey Mom I want to get..." "Hey Mom I want to get a snack"

I don't believe this has anything to do with a Mood Disorder so I wanted to see if any of you have had this same thing with your child and is their a "Name" for it?


Fly away!
Our speech therapist called it "Cluttering". My difficult child does the same thing and it's getting worse. She had stopped speech therapy for a while. Actually, I stopped it because she wasn't doing the homework, so there was no point in me paying for it. Just doing it for 30 minutes a week wasn't going to work. We're starting again at the end of the month.


Active Member
It's a form of speech dysfluency. difficult child 3 does it, so does husband. It seems to be a facet of the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) in our family. It comes under the jurisdiction of a Speech Pathologist, if you want to know the right person to get help from.

You described it very well. it is VERY frustrating to live with (both being the person with it, and having to converse with them). What can help is to say to the person, "Take a few seconds and try to plan what you want to say. I'Tourette's Syndrome OK, I'll wait."
I also wonder if there is a facet of short-term memory problme in there; difficult child 1 has difficulty mentally multityasking, and queuing what we want to say while still listening to someone else speak (or responding to what is happening in their environment and then speaking) requires complex mental multitasking, so the problem can be exacerbated by the need for a fast response or the need to say it NOW. difficult child 3 will often say, "If I don't say it now, I'll lose it." So there is an inattention factor in there as well.

Issues of language, of brain function to do with language and memory - they all come under the management of Speech Pathology, especially if you can get a good one.

There is a difference between speech and language - we often use the two interchangeably but we shouldn't. Speech is the vocal utterance. Language is more complex and includes non-verbal communication, sign language, reading, comprehension and more.



Shooting from the Hip
difficult child 2 does this too. It's not a constant thing - usually when he is really excited, stressed or tired. I've done the "slow down, think about what you want to say and then tell me" thing - it helps immensely. So speech therapy helps (difficult child 2 is in it at school), but constant, repetitive "slow down"s seem to work pretty well too.


Parent In Training
I knew this was the right place to ask! I had googled and googled trying to figure it out.:D

He actually speaks very slowly when he does this but it seems like he just can't get it out. He is usually looking away like he is trying very hard to concentrate on what he is trying to say. He doesn't do it everytime he speaks but does it MOST of the time.

I usually make sure no one interrupts him until he gets it out because he will become very frustrated and angry almost to the point of crying.

husband and I both did the online questionairre for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and mine said Mild Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and husband's came up Moderate Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). I have printed this of for his Dr. next time we go so that maybe someone will finally listen!! I know the speech problem might not be related to Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) though.

When we received our initial diagnosis the psychiatrist said because of a point he scored high on his IQ test she ruled out Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)??

Thanks so much for giving us a place to start!! He will start KG in the fall and I want to make sure he gets the speech therapy also. It's starting to really hinder the way he communicates.


Shooting from the Hip
Err. My difficult child 2 is extremely bright. But we're having him tested for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) anyway...


Roll With It
Wiz is in the genius range on IQ. He STILL had language problems and is STILL an Aspie. Very much so. The points on the IQ are generally meaningless because it often is not an accurate representation of their intelligence. Kids with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) type problems (spectrum kids) think differently because they are wired differently, so they test diffferently with can lead to scores that are meaningless. Frustrating, I know.

Have you seen a developmental pediatrician? We have had much better luck with them, at least until our insurance changed. Ours was so good that I recommended him to Shari and she is driving in from the next state to consult with him. She has already seen him once.

Keep pushing, encourage the doctor to not let the IQ get in the way. Get as many books and articles on kids on the Autistic Spectrum to back up your words.

It is HARD when they have such a tough time getting words out. I am having that, I know what I want to say, but I can't get it to the front of my brain so it can come out my mouth. Drives me CRAZY, and I am a grown up with decent coping skills!

We found language to be the biggest hurdle Wiz faced. Ironic because he was so very verbal at such a young age. At 4 he was able to read the newspaper and the longer chapter books like Animorphs and Harry Potter. He read the first Harry Potter before school started for kindergarten - my dad brought a copy back from england before it was published here. It was teh Philosopher's stone, not sorcerer's stone. We still have that one - it has become a collector item, LOL!!!

But once Wiz learned one definition of a word, that was IT. So many of our words can be used so many different ways. He was not able to process the different ways. A friend described language, and reading, as a brick wall. Some kids are missing some bricks, even if they have a very high and long wall. Those missing bricks can cause all kinds of problems, even though they don't collapse the wall.

It was an explanation that made sense. Esp when a toddler was supposed to have a 50 word vocabulary and my mom and I listed over 250 words Wiz was using at that age. (It was the What to expect the first year book, or maybe the toddler years book.)

I hope you can find the right way to help him.


Parent In Training
Thanks Susie for letting me know about the IQ. It's so hard when everyone including my extended family see something else might be wrong but the Dr's keep brushing it off.

His psychiatrist that did the testing brushed it off then his pedi thinks it's too soon to tell. I actually look forward to sending him to school to see what their "opinion" will be.

We haven't seen anyone else yet besides these two Dr. but I am seriously now looking into getting a 2nd opinion.


Roll With It
Can you find a developmental pediatrician? They often are better experienced with the autistic spectrum. Ours actually did a multidisciplinary evaluation over 3 visits. We didn't even know what it was, but after the docs tested him and talked with him, they all got together to figure out how to help him. It was an awesome process, and very very helpful.

Not sure all dev peds do that, but hopefully they are at least somewhat experienced with what you are seeing.

It would also be an excellent idea to have an Occupational Therapist (OT) evaluate him. He may have sensory integration issues, many spectrum people do. Brushing therapy is used to treat sensory issues. I absolutely love it. It not only gives a minute or two that you and your child are close and can bond/enjoy each other, it also REWIRES THE BRAIN. It is the ONLY therapy I know of that is shown to do this.

It changes how the brain handles sensory input without medication or anything invasive. You use a brush like a surgical scrub brush and go over his body (avoiding certain parts because brushing them causes problems) and then do gentle joint compressions. I cannot rave enough about the changes in my kids from brushing them. They even become more positive about what they can do, and their self judgement changes. thank you went from "I can't do this. I hate myself." To "This isn't so bad. Look, I cut the circle out!" in the 30 seconds or so that the Occupational Therapist (OT) did joint compressions on his shoulders while he was cutting out a circle with a pair of scissors.

First I didn't know he hated himself, but he clearly seemed to. Second, the change, the confidence was like a miracle! She didn't do compressions on his arm, just his head and neck, and then on his shoulders, with-o interfering how he used teh scissors.

A private Occupational Therapist (OT) visit for an evaluation is well worth the money, no matter how much it costs. It is a way to help your child, but you MUST be trained in how to do the brushing and joint compression. Doing it improperly can cause HUGE problems, even with his digestive system. After thank you's Occupational Therapist (OT) showed me how to do it, I then used it on the other kids. She said it wouldn't hurt them, though she didn't think it would help them. Seems no one has done much of it with older kids. Since it doesn't make $$ for the drug companies, I doubt anyone will study it.

It changed how Jessie felt about herself. It also helped with her migraines. It helped Wiz change some behaviors. Overall the biggest change was their attitude. They fought less,, picked at each other less. They were just happier people, without us adding a lot of "stuff" to entertain them.

Sorry if I got on a soapbox. It just seems so many people overlook the Occupational Therapist (OT), or think teh school will do it (the school will, but they ONLY look at how it impacts his academics, not the rest of his life.) or just think it is not worth the hassle or money.

Anyway, I hope that helps.


Parent In Training
Thanks for the info Susie! I looked up developmental pedi's for our state and most of their websites ask for referral from their regular pedi. We have an appointment. coming up on the 23rd so I am going to push her to see if we can get a referral.

I also have to look into our insurance some more to see if I can go a different route for an evaluation. We have several places that will do Assessments for autism etc. in our state. One looks like a really good choice with all the diciplines in one area that does an evaluation that takes all day, which sounds really in depth!


Roll With It
It sounds like you are doing some great research. Glad I could help.

With your difficult child being just 5yo, I would NOT take him for an all day evaluation. More reliable info will be gathered if you do the testing in several 1-3 hour chunks, with ample breaks during those times.

Chances are he will get so overwhelmed he just shuts down totally with an all day evaluation. If they suggest the all day routine, ask tehm how often it works on kids that young. If they say it is never a problem, they are not treating kids that age with problems. Because ANY 5yo is NOT going to last for a full day of evaluations. Most of them can't handle a trip to the mall for the entire day.

Think about how well difficult child does in intense situations where he is expected to function. How long does he last? How long can he handle in everyday life with-o a break or a nap or whatever? Let HIM be your guide as to how long to schedule him for evaluations every day. NOT the place, at least as much as is possible.

Good Luck!!!

Oh, have you started a Parent Input Report? There is a format that some moms came up with a few years ago. It helps you put all the info about your child in one report, in one place. For most of us it takes a BIG 3ring binder. You need to tackle it in chunks, not all at once. But once you have it, it is a goldmine of info for anyone you work with. You can find it in the FAQ/Board Help section, or by following this link:

You have a better chance of getting the pediatrician to help with referrals if she can have a copy of the parent report to show all the problems. Don't forget to put a picture of him in several places in the report - it helps the doctor remember which patient they are reading about. And always have an extra copy or 3 so that you can give one to the doctor if needed.


Active Member
I think you are right to get another opinion. In my experience once a specialist says, "It's not X," they are unwilling to ever change that opinion, even if it was originally just a hunch.

A high score in a single area of the test - that can be an artefact (aka "noise"). It just bears out what I keep saying - IQ testing is a valuable tool but you should never use it to be too specific, not without keeping a lot of room to back out when later testing gives different results. The tests were never designed for this degree of specificity and shouldn't be used like this. They are meant to give you a sense of direction, not a destination.

IQ testing - I scored very high as a kid. Nobody in those days ever told the child or the family the actual number but I know it was overr 120 because a teacher oncee told our class, "Everyone in this class had to have an IQ of over 120 to get here."
I did my own test in a magazine once when I was really unwell and not concentrating - I scored 145. So I probably would have scored higher if I'd been well.
I do recall whenever I was being tested, I got some gasps from the tester. One actually said, "I didn't know that answer - how come you did?" But frankly, I often only knew the answer because I had read ahead in a text book and could extraspolate from the word origins. Example - one test showed four pictures of a circle and a line. They were in different positions but in only one did the line touch the circle at one point. The word was "tangent". I had only read that part of my maths book a few hours earlier so I knew the answer. The tester, who knew the word from other sources, didn't get the mathematical reference and didn't know the answer.

Another tester, same series - they were donig Rorschach on me. I was shown an inkblot whick I said looked like an angry Sylvester cat, blowing a raspberry. I laughed. The tester said, "What is Sylvester?"
I said, "You're kidding, right? It's a character from Bugs Bunny cartoons, very funny. What hole have you been living in?"
"Do you watch cartoons a lot?" he asked.
"I watch good ones," I told him.
I watched his handwriting upside down as he wrote, "immature."

Our kids were tested. I was trying to get some educational extension for them where needed; problems identified more specifically (also where needed).
easy child scored 145 but with some sub-scores "hitting the ceiling" (which with hindsight is what I think happened with me when I was a kid - hence testers' eyebrows crawling into their hairline).
difficult child 1 scores about 125 but again, some sub-scores like his sister's. But he wasn't achieving like a kid with his IQshould. The school counsellor had tested him and said he failed the IQ test (ie he was "retarded"). Turned out he fidgetted too much to finish the test but she said she had to score it as if he had - I think she should have said, "test invalid".

We had easy child 2/difficult child 2 tested because she needed to be in school (by our own estimates of her development plus our observations of how she compared with her very bright sister). She tested brilliantly, very similar results to her sister. It was almost as if they had swapped test papers only they didn't because there were subtle diferences due to their age differences. NOTHING at that age seemed abnormal, other than the genius IQ. On the basis of the results, as well as the advanced score in the social skills tests, we got her accelerated into school.
It took a few years for problems to show up - her behaviour, cute when young because she wouldbe forthright, vocal and expressive - quickly became a problem when she would insist on HER rules always being followed. That was when we realisedshe had done well to begin with because people gave way to her because she was smart and cute. As she got older and needed to learn to fit in, we found she couldn't.

When tested at age 4 there was absolutely no hint we had a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) child. We just thought we had a child genius again.
Her school principal rang me one day absolutely horrified - she had championed our efforts with her and now was beginning to doubt the wisdom - easy child 2/difficult child 2 was insisting that when she grew up she was going to be a hardresser. "But you could be a doctor, a lawyer, anything you want to be!" exclaimed the principal.
"That's right!" replied easy child 2/difficult child 2. "And what I want to be is a hairdresser!"
The principal saw tis as easy child 2/difficult child 2 being deliberately defiant, deliberately dumbing down. With hindsight that was not the case - she is a natural designer, very artistic, is obsessed with textures especially furry hairy ones. She did not take up hairdressing (because we said she would quickly get VERY fed up with her fellow students/co-workers - we know her!) but she does her waist-length hair in elaborate designs that differ every day and only seem to take her seconds.

Then difficult child 3 - our last genius child. He was alert from Day 1, always knew what he wanted and seemed very much like easy child in so many ways. He began to show an interest in letters & numbers when only a few months old - he watched "Sale of the Century" on TV (which we thought was cute but pure coincidence - we were wrong) and we couldn't get anything form hium until the ad break came on or the show finished. We couldn't work it out - visually, it had nothing for a baby, the screen didn't change much and all there was (when he seemed to be watching most intently) was the contestant, their name and their score. The score would change as they got an answer right (or wrong).
We knew within a few more months thta we had an exceptional child - even though he seemed a bit slow to talk, he began counting. Not just forwards, but backwards too. And way beyond 10. By the time he was toddling we used to go for short walks in the neighbourhood and he would run on ahead to the next letterbox to read the number (double digits). Freaky. But it was letters too - and by this time he was using the computer and reading his way around the menu bar.
We videotaped him in the week after his 2nd birthday, typing in the alphabet into the computer. The computer was displaying lower case letters, the keyboard of course is upper case. difficult child 3 matched them so fast the computer could barely keep up. He was also reciting his alphabet at the same time.
I spoke to the principal about planning for another accelerated kid. But within a few more months we realised there was a problem - he STILL was not talking, apart from numbers and letters. No concept of his name, of my name. Of anybody's name. Of names for anything. Just abstractions.

An IQ test for babies could have read this so wrong (as easy child 2/difficult child 2 was read wrong). We had his hearing checked out - that was an ordeal, because he was afraid of the headphones. The fears began to show up - no reason for them. We remembered difficult child 1's weird fears as a toddler also, fears which had only amplified as he got older.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) doesn't follow rules, you can't say, "He has this, that and such-and-such, therefore he is Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)," or more likely, "He doesn't have X, Y or X, therefore there's no way it's Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)."
Sometimes it's the only explanation and if you look below the surface you can find out WHY sometimes X, Y or Z has been ruled out, often wrongly.

It's like me and the word "tangent" - it probably changed my final score by 10 points or more, jsut because I read ahead in the text book. So much depends on the interpretation by the tester, and they need to be GOOD. Not just think they are good at it.

Who knows how bright I really am? Certainly not as bright as I used to be... WHo knows how bright any of us are? I have friends who also "failed" IQ tests but who have succeeded in teaching themselves everything they were never taught at school, simply because they had to find out how things worked. One woman I've worked with, was "left" at school, ended up leaving school permanently when she was about 8 years old. Barely literate. She has written a book which I edited. It was a nightmare - no punctuation, bad spelling which she then ran through a spelling CORRECTOR (and it turned "cerable pallsy" into something totally nonsensical) then wanted me to make sense of it. It took me 18 months.
Since then, she has written a lot more. With good punctuation and greatly improved spelling. In the process she has learned how to use a computer, from never having touched one before. She still rings me up to aske me to trouble-shoot her latest computer problem but she surfs the net, sends emails with attachments, uses some sophisticated software - all self-taught. It's not easy for her, but she keeps persisting. I suspect that even now, she wouldn't get a high IQ score, but she has a different kind of smarts which has seen her well through life. A low IQ score for her would at least be partly due to her lack of life experience, lack of formal education. Because IQ tests are based on the premise that the person being tested has been looked after and educated to the age equivalent of other subjects.

All this is to say - go find someone else and get another opinion. Also, if you can, get your hands on the sub-scores of the test and we'll work out which one the doctor says "disqualifies" difficult child from a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) diagnosis.

It's very much a diagnosis of balance. How does the child balance out, when it's all taken into consideration?

easy child 2/difficult child 2's pediatrician insists she doesn't have Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) because she makes good eye contact with him. Her answer - "I know him. I can make good eye contact if I force myself, and it's easier with people I know. You have also taught me that it's polite to make eye contact, although in my job that's difficult. I make myself notice something about each customer though, usually their clothing, so if they forget a shopping bag I'll know them when they come back for it. Otherwise I'd never recognise them, I'm not good with faces."
To me, what easy child 2/difficult child 2 describes fits Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). But the pediaitrician justwon't be drawn on it.

We're not fussing. A change in label would make no difference now, she gets enough support just from the ADD label. But in 3 years time she has to change doctors anyway, at which point I think the diagnosis will be changed. She will make sure of it, she wants the honesty.

If you have a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) child, and one who is also very bright, it can be very difficult to have it recognised because even if they're not trying to be deceptive, they do learn to mask it. It's part of learning how to live in society. But it's still there, like the legs of a swan are furiously paddling beneath the apparently serene surface.



Active Member
One final point - Temple Grandin says she beleives Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) is an overdose of genius - you get Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) often associated with high IQ elsewhere in the family. And if your children grow up in "an enriched environment" (which is what our house has been described as) then they are likely to have a moreadvanced vocabulary, which frankly is what the earlier IQ ests measure. I remember with easy child 2/difficult child 2's test (at age 4) the tester commented his surprise that she could readily and correctly answer, "What is the colour of rubies?"
Considering how the girl is now, with her obsessions with fashion, colour and design - I'm not a bit surprised. PLus, she was living in a houseful of highly verbal and stimulating people. Some of it had to rub off.

And that is a bit of advice I share with everybody - stimualte your child. Keep the environment enriched, keep them challenged. Especially when young. It gives them the best start academically.



Parent In Training
Thanks so much for all the insight!! I do have a binder that I keep the evaluation, 3 months of mood charts (I stopped because they were always exactly the same daily). I also included his diet, medications, etc. daily for that time period. I am going to get everything put together from the thread Susie gave me because that seems like a GREAT tool to use.

difficult child scored 107 on his IQ test and I looked back over it last night since it had been awhile. He scored below average on adaptive behavior, communication, social skills, and motor skills. He did exeptional on his visual-spatial processing. He has started using very big words lately which concerns me because I they usually aren't appropriate for the conversation. Ex. He will say I "appreciate" that instead of I "like" that. His verbal IQ was at 110.

I was a Gifted/Talented student but never had an IQ test done to see where his scores compare to mine.

He does make eye contact but often looks away during a conversation. Especially if he is going off into his own monologue which he does frequently. When the psychiatrist tried to talk to him about a subject he clearly went off into his own conversation regardless of what she was saying.

He also was EXTREMLY obsessed with vaccumms up until about age 3. He would sit down and play with one for hours. When we went to someone's house the first thing he asked them is if they had one.

I think he received the Mood Disorder diagnosis primarily because their is a family history. Which I am not ruling out but know that he could have a diagnosis of Mood Disorder with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD).

Thanks again for all the information! I am trying to figure it all out:D


Active Member
He does sound Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) to me, certainly enough to have it checked out independently.

With IQ tests - if there is a large discrepancy between different sub-scores then the results SHOULD NOT be averaged out to give you one overall score. In other words, if he scored low (below average, which would mean <10) in some areas but high (say >14) in other areas, then you should not consider that he has an IQ of 107. Instead, you look to the high score areas as a more likely indication of his true intelligence level, with the low score areas indicating the areas of learning difficulty, where he needs help.

Wide-ranging scores like this usually go hand in hand with a bored, frustrated and challenged child. You get the high IQ but not the matching achievements.

How does he seem to you, in terms of intelligence? The increasing use of big words IS NOT likely to be him trying to impress; it's siply that he has learned tose words and what use are learned words for, if not to use them?

I get the same from difficult child 3. Just today I was listening to him talking to his teacher, I overhead difficult child 3 volunteer the information that "I'm improving my ability to prioritise." He wasn't being pretentious - he felt the words were appropriate and so he used them.

Similarly, difficult child 1 at 6 years old was a dinosaur nut. He told me that when he grew up he wanted to be a palaeontologist. Someone overheard this and challenged hi to explain what he meant, so he did - he explained that a palaeontologist studies fossils and what they mean in terms of the history of life on earth. Not bad for 6 years old! However, when IQ tested at the same time, he "failed" as I described earlier.

I suspect your son is a lot smarter than the test scored him. it often happens with any learnnig difficulties, because the tests were never designed using learning difficulty kids in the original samples.

Serious suggestion - read up on Asperger's Syndrome, look for stuff written by Tony Attwood (it will cheer you up no end, he's very positive) and use it as your working hypothesis. Also, get your hands on "The Explosive Child" by Ross Greene, a lot of us have found that book helped a great deal.



Parent In Training
We have always thought difficult child was "too smart for his own good";)

Where we thinks he lags behind is his social interaction with other children and adults. It is very hard to carry on a conversation with him on any subject because he tends to go off in his own conversation. I think that is what makes it hard to find out what he does or doesn't know.

Also we have a kindergarten workbook that we practice for short periods each day and his handwriting is still way behind what it should be. He can't trace, draw, or write letters. All his drawings look the same when we ask him to draw shapes, numbers, or letters.

All the way through his toddler years he preferred to play off quietly by himself and when other children would intervene he became very aggressive.

He finally has an interest in playing with other children but they tend to shy away from him. It breaks my heart to know he might be the child to not have friends in school.:(

Thanks for all the great info Marg!! I really appreciate you taking the time to help!


Roll With It
IT really sounds like an Occupational Therapist (OT) could help him. School will have Occupational Therapist (OT) to work on the handwriting. Be SURE to send a request for testing ASAP by registered mail, return receipt requested. That way they will maybe test him this summer or at least do it early in the year.

Ask for a complete evaluation and testing, the sp ed forum can help you write it.


Parent In Training
Thanks Susie! I was wondering if I should go ahead and send a request instead of waiting until school starts. Now I think I am going to go ahead and request the evaluation so that they also are aware he might have some issues to overcome when he starts.


Well-Known Member
Mandy, hi. My son is on the spectrum and he was first wrongly diagnosed with bipolar, then wrongly diagnosed with ADHD/ODD. It's hard to diagnose any PDDs. I recommend, rather than a Developmental Pediatrician a NeuroPsychologist. They do some really serious, intensive testing at all levels and for all disorders. My son was on at least ten medications for bipolar, which he doesn't have. Please be careful. He is young and the diagnoses with very young kids are hard to nail and doctors are too quick in my opinion with the medications. My son did the stims, then did the nine yards with bipolar drugs. Ugh. They're fine if they're needed, but he didn't need them. He really calmed down a lot when he got older making me seriously question the mood thang. As a younger child, yes, he had meltdowns, but that's not automatically bipolar either.

I think it's great that you're trying so hard, and I agree that before school starts is the best time for an evaluation, but I'd do it privately. This is just my opinion: Never trust a school evaluation. They tend to reek and be self-serving toward the school district. As for IQ testing, if he is on the spectrum, a regular IQ test probably won't be accurate. The kids are wired differently and need a different way of being tested and very often a unque way of learning.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do!