Link on adoptive behavior

I appreciate articles like these so much since they seem to validate the problems that so many of us have with our kids. I've been saying for years to difficult child's counselors that I thought that a lot of difficult child's rage was really at biomom and that I was a natural substitute. They have never taken that seriously. I printed parts of the article and will take it with me to difficult child's next session!

Thanks, Dee!


Married 21+ yrs to husband. 1 son age 15, adopted at age 4. Diagnosed ADHD combined type (severe), ODD,Learning Disability (LD),Disthymic Disorder (chronic depression), possible Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

It's nice to know I'm not alone in my thinking! I'm new to all of this except the behaviors. Been dealing with those for 10 yrs. We are making an appointment. for difficult child as soon as I get the correct #. I'm glad I have the article to bring with me!


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I feel like someone wrote about my life with my difficult child. She once said in counseling that "Her birth mother gave her away and I took her away". Which, of course, doesn't make any sense. (We adopted her when she was 2 months old thru an adoption agency.) It has been sheer hell since she was a toddler.

I'm printing the article and framing it!!

17 yo adopted F/difficult child - ADD, BiPolar (BP), living with co-worker/enabler since 11/99
19 yo adopted Male easy child - at college
husband - "A keeper"
Me - Just trying to hold onto sanity and trying to find some serenity

Folks, the one thing I can tell is to find a therapist who deals with adoption issues. They are worth their weight in gold -- both for helping our kids and for helping us understand the pain they go through.
