Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
Mantrums - Man tantrums.
husband is one big manturm waiting for a place to happen. This is not a good thing when I'm stilled major POed over the not paying April's house payment and other bills. And husband gave a pathetic excuse for not paying them.
I'll have to set this up a bit with some background. Tuesday Nichole and I skipped our 13 hr school day because our school loan refunds were due. (and because that day is grueling to say the least) I emailed the instructor and told him my Dad passed suddenly. I needed an excuse that would wash for both Nichole and I to miss together. (yes, I'm a former difficult child) Of course the check didn't come because we skipped. Karma. But easy child wanted to go to the outlet mall anyway, she needed clothing for the baby. I took the opportunity to get money out of husband. Did it in front of easy child on purpose to embarass him enough to hand it over. He was POed but gave me 100.00 that was to be grocery money. He still had a wad of cash in his hand. When I asked for that too......he said it was gas and cigarette money.
I didn't spend a dime. Loans refunds arrived the next day. I discovered he hadn't paid the house payment when I went to cash it.
Thursday the excuse I gave Drawing Painting instructor came back to bite me in the arse. The man was so empathetic it was embarrassing. He made a huge deal out of it.........hung around Nichole and I......and even gave us an extra week to get our mid term work completed so we could "take care of family during this time". (no, we won't take advantage. Our work will be turned in on time)
Came home and told husband all about it. Two reasons. 1. It's been ages since I met such an empathetic kind hearted male. and 2. To rub it in husband's face....also because he can't stand the thought of another male paying me any attention.
I took husband and Travis out to eat with easy child and family. This was bending over backward to be kind. Didn't have to do it, and haven't done so on purpose in the past.
On the way home husband stops to get cigs. He puts his hand out. I say "Excuse me? YOU have money" to which he has a manturm and stated he doesn't.
Ok. I'm a *itch. I made him grovel a bit for it.
Get home and he goes to take his laptop out and use it. Only he can't because his power cord is missing. He goes on the attack to Travis. (already POed over having to grovel) I step in and tell him I'M the one who made his power cord disappear. He blew a gasket. Told him I've been telling him since he bought the darn thing last year to stop leaving the power cord plugged into the wall and stretched out on the floor. We not only trip over it Aubrey and the dogs can get shocked. He never puts it away. Too lazy to unplug it from the wall. So last time I took it and hid it.
Full blown manturm here worthy of any difficult child. Fine! I'll throw it away. Quit acting like a 2yr old husband. Give it to me. No. I warned you. You're lucky I didn't throw it away. (and he knows I will) Then I might as well throw out my computer. Your choice. But your not getting it back.
Ten minutes of this. He didn't get the cord back. It's still hidden.
The audacity of husband just blows me away. Not only did I not get a true explaination of where the money for the hp and bills went.....he acts like a total arse after I've just made the hp and taken him out to dinner and given him cigarette money.
But this also showed me that not only did he not pay those things......the money to pay them completely vanished. He doesn't get paid until next friday and is flat broke. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Now he'll nickle and dime me to death til payday.
If I don't give him "gas money" he won't go to work.
Abbey..........I might forget about divorce and use your sword.
I was thinking about this last night. Ok brooding on this last night.
Nursing school starts in sept. I think this is husband's way of sabotaging it, or attempting to. If he can keep the bills unpaid..........I'll wind up going to work and not going to nursing school. Possible. Wouldn't be the first time he has done it. I got a job once when the kids were little. He got fired from his 3 days later. I went back to school 3 yrs ago. He got fired my first day of school.
husband is under estimating how stubborn I can be. (typical) He knows I plan to toss him on his arse when nursing school is over. He sealed his fate on that when he lost the job before this one. What he doesn't know is that I've had a backup plan in place since before I started school. I don't care if I loose this house or not. Doesn't mean a darn thing to me. So if necessary, I can let it go. easy child and sister in law have rooms set aside for both Travis and I should I decide I need them and we can live there until I finish school and get a job. I can even bring the animals. (they know I won't leave them behind)
husband's passive-aggressive behavior and manturms are placing him on very thin ice and he's too stupid/difficult child to see it. The idiot. Meanwhile, I plan to make his life miserable for a good long while over not paying the bills/hp.
husband has killed whatever feelings I've ever had for him. I've just been biding my time. That time will now be as miserable for him as it was for me the past 20 some odd years.
If you got this far.........whew. Thanks for letting me vent. Now I'm off to cincy with easy child for Olive Garden and Sam's Club after I stop and pay mother in law's rent.
husband is one big manturm waiting for a place to happen. This is not a good thing when I'm stilled major POed over the not paying April's house payment and other bills. And husband gave a pathetic excuse for not paying them.
I'll have to set this up a bit with some background. Tuesday Nichole and I skipped our 13 hr school day because our school loan refunds were due. (and because that day is grueling to say the least) I emailed the instructor and told him my Dad passed suddenly. I needed an excuse that would wash for both Nichole and I to miss together. (yes, I'm a former difficult child) Of course the check didn't come because we skipped. Karma. But easy child wanted to go to the outlet mall anyway, she needed clothing for the baby. I took the opportunity to get money out of husband. Did it in front of easy child on purpose to embarass him enough to hand it over. He was POed but gave me 100.00 that was to be grocery money. He still had a wad of cash in his hand. When I asked for that too......he said it was gas and cigarette money.
I didn't spend a dime. Loans refunds arrived the next day. I discovered he hadn't paid the house payment when I went to cash it.
Thursday the excuse I gave Drawing Painting instructor came back to bite me in the arse. The man was so empathetic it was embarrassing. He made a huge deal out of it.........hung around Nichole and I......and even gave us an extra week to get our mid term work completed so we could "take care of family during this time". (no, we won't take advantage. Our work will be turned in on time)
Came home and told husband all about it. Two reasons. 1. It's been ages since I met such an empathetic kind hearted male. and 2. To rub it in husband's face....also because he can't stand the thought of another male paying me any attention.
I took husband and Travis out to eat with easy child and family. This was bending over backward to be kind. Didn't have to do it, and haven't done so on purpose in the past.
On the way home husband stops to get cigs. He puts his hand out. I say "Excuse me? YOU have money" to which he has a manturm and stated he doesn't.
Ok. I'm a *itch. I made him grovel a bit for it.
Get home and he goes to take his laptop out and use it. Only he can't because his power cord is missing. He goes on the attack to Travis. (already POed over having to grovel) I step in and tell him I'M the one who made his power cord disappear. He blew a gasket. Told him I've been telling him since he bought the darn thing last year to stop leaving the power cord plugged into the wall and stretched out on the floor. We not only trip over it Aubrey and the dogs can get shocked. He never puts it away. Too lazy to unplug it from the wall. So last time I took it and hid it.
Full blown manturm here worthy of any difficult child. Fine! I'll throw it away. Quit acting like a 2yr old husband. Give it to me. No. I warned you. You're lucky I didn't throw it away. (and he knows I will) Then I might as well throw out my computer. Your choice. But your not getting it back.
Ten minutes of this. He didn't get the cord back. It's still hidden.
The audacity of husband just blows me away. Not only did I not get a true explaination of where the money for the hp and bills went.....he acts like a total arse after I've just made the hp and taken him out to dinner and given him cigarette money.
But this also showed me that not only did he not pay those things......the money to pay them completely vanished. He doesn't get paid until next friday and is flat broke. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Now he'll nickle and dime me to death til payday.
Abbey..........I might forget about divorce and use your sword.
I was thinking about this last night. Ok brooding on this last night.
Nursing school starts in sept. I think this is husband's way of sabotaging it, or attempting to. If he can keep the bills unpaid..........I'll wind up going to work and not going to nursing school. Possible. Wouldn't be the first time he has done it. I got a job once when the kids were little. He got fired from his 3 days later. I went back to school 3 yrs ago. He got fired my first day of school.
husband is under estimating how stubborn I can be. (typical) He knows I plan to toss him on his arse when nursing school is over. He sealed his fate on that when he lost the job before this one. What he doesn't know is that I've had a backup plan in place since before I started school. I don't care if I loose this house or not. Doesn't mean a darn thing to me. So if necessary, I can let it go. easy child and sister in law have rooms set aside for both Travis and I should I decide I need them and we can live there until I finish school and get a job. I can even bring the animals. (they know I won't leave them behind)
husband's passive-aggressive behavior and manturms are placing him on very thin ice and he's too stupid/difficult child to see it. The idiot. Meanwhile, I plan to make his life miserable for a good long while over not paying the bills/hp.
husband has killed whatever feelings I've ever had for him. I've just been biding my time. That time will now be as miserable for him as it was for me the past 20 some odd years.
If you got this far.........whew. Thanks for letting me vent. Now I'm off to cincy with easy child for Olive Garden and Sam's Club after I stop and pay mother in law's rent.