difficult child has not been diagnosis'd with ADD or ADHD, however I have noticed for quite some time now that he fidgets all the time. He cannot sit and just do something (except on the computer..hours and hours). If He sits to do homework he is up and down constantly. Between fidgeting, up and down, and the arguing to DO the work, a 20 minute assignment turns into 3 hours.
Teachers have commented at times that he just gets up and starts walking around the class. difficult child has told me he cannot concentrate, or stay focussed. I am not real sure I believe him, could just be his defiance in doing anything that is asked of him. I am placing a call to psychiatrist tomorrow regarding the withdrawl of lexapro and his behavior, I plan to mention this also. But I have read when you give a stimulant to someone with a mood disorder it has a horrible affect.
Any experience??
Teachers have commented at times that he just gets up and starts walking around the class. difficult child has told me he cannot concentrate, or stay focussed. I am not real sure I believe him, could just be his defiance in doing anything that is asked of him. I am placing a call to psychiatrist tomorrow regarding the withdrawl of lexapro and his behavior, I plan to mention this also. But I have read when you give a stimulant to someone with a mood disorder it has a horrible affect.
Any experience??