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This seems to be a husband/so forum tonight. I've got the new checking account set up and tomorrow will be asking husband to call HR to put HIS paycheck in MY account. I feel funny about this. I have to keep reminding myself "he wants me to be a sham, I want to be a sham, our boys need me at home, difficult child 2 wouldn't be getting his interventions if I wasn't at home so much, he wants me to be a sham." I'm going to have to get mad enough to threaten divorce. I don't know if I can do that, but I've got to. Our family won't survive the way the money is set up right now and husband won't change his spending habits. I feel sick to my stomach. I'm going to do this tomorrow. And, he did agree to this, but getting it actually done... I have to be ready for a fight. I really feel sick.