Hi everyone
My name is Nicole and I am at my wit's end just like most here I am sure. My difficult child is my 17 yr olds daughter.She has been diagnosis with ODD/BiPolar (BP)/ADD she ha been on adderall,lexapro,lamictal. Currently she is not on any medications due to me losing insurance. I ahve been trying to get some kind of help to get her in counseling and back on medications. This week she was arrested for shoplifting. She is also getting kicked out of school for truancy. I don't know what to do. I tried to Baker act her and they won't because she is not suicidal. She has runaway, been verbally abusive and so forth. She is text book ODD. I would appreciate any help from you guys
My name is Nicole and I am at my wit's end just like most here I am sure. My difficult child is my 17 yr olds daughter.She has been diagnosis with ODD/BiPolar (BP)/ADD she ha been on adderall,lexapro,lamictal. Currently she is not on any medications due to me losing insurance. I ahve been trying to get some kind of help to get her in counseling and back on medications. This week she was arrested for shoplifting. She is also getting kicked out of school for truancy. I don't know what to do. I tried to Baker act her and they won't because she is not suicidal. She has runaway, been verbally abusive and so forth. She is text book ODD. I would appreciate any help from you guys