Newborn chicks can do math


Fly away!
Results suggest impressive proto-arithmetic capacities in the young and relatively inexperienced chicks of this precocial species. (SID)=773b143a-f4c6-4016-a0d5-5f6e908a5cb6

Gcvmom, you already knew your chicks were smart, didn't you? ;)


Here we go again!
They're ARE pretty smart for dumb chickens! :D

They know who I am and will come running when they see me (while they pay little or no attention to the kids).

They know that their caged run is where they're supposed to go in the morning, and they will generally end up there if I let them wander for a bit after being let out of the coop.

They know where they're supposed to sleep when the sun goes down, and they go there without being told.

Now if they could just start laying golden eggs, my life would be perfect!