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I have an 8 yo difficult child who I believe is bipolar or in the developmental stages. His first p-doctor diagnosed BiPolar (BP) when he was 5 and unmedicated. The next 2 p-docs want to see adhd and to focus on that. They add mood disorder not otherwise specified but they try to ignore it when it comes to medication( he is still on a low dose of Zyprexa, but they always want to add stims). Has anyone successfully changed the mind of a p-doctor that doesnt get it?, how?
I have experience with adhd and believe that it responses to tough parenting, i.e. when a teacher once told me the kids get 3 chances in her class I started laughing and told her just punish the behavior, no chances. My son was smart and bored and loved to see if he could get 4 chances or tick her off before he was given just made for trouble, also I learned to not explain myself because he had an argument for everything.
I dont do that with my difficult child that I believe is BiPolar (BP). It isnt effective. I need to put up with more minor stuff and I need to reassure and comfort a great deal more. He cant handle the frustration and perceived rejection it would create. It also just wouldnt change his behavior I already tried that. I see anxiety at the root of a lot of his trouble and have been trying to get him to see it and learn to calm himself with very little success. Still when he messes up big he is punished, but he gets away with a lot of little things. My second question is about when do you hold your child accountable, as the world will? Am I off base to think it has to do with whether he is trying to learn better behavior? Or should I keep trying to get the standards the same for him as the other kids just shy of the point that he starts to fall apart? I thought I was waiting for the magic pill that would make everything alright but I am beginning to doubt it exists and if it does, it doesnt seem to be going to be available for my son for some time so I am done waiting on it.