Posts have helped me .........


Active Member
As a compliment to the post asking if posts do help, I thought we can share some ways this board have helped us:

So, posts have helped me ...............................

Learn to detach -
  • This does not mean to stop loving or caring.
  • This means to not be drawn in to the emotions of anger, fear, guilt, hopelessness, or whatever difficult child is trying to get you to feel.
Consider the cause -
  • Why is this behavior showing?
  • Is there a medical issue that needs to be addressed?
  • Are the current medications causing this?
See that I am not alone -
  • I am not the only one with a difficult child.
  • I am not the the only one who knows that my child is more than difficult, he is awesome, special, cool.
  • I am not the only one who knows that a firmer hand will not help because difficult child can not help what is going on and understanding goes further than authoritian for difficult child's.
Laugh -
  • Laughter is really the best medicine.
  • Life goes on and we do have to enjoy every good minute we can.
See different view points -
  • We all read posts differently.
  • Many times I will get feedback on a sentence that I didn't really expect input on. Someone saw something in that sentence that looked important and that input will get me thinking about the situation in a different light.